Update on Shelia
Hey Everyone,
I just talked to Shelia, well she talked and I kind of mumbled as I have a case of laryngitis, but anyway, she wanted me to be sure and let you all know she is ok, but she is having some significant vision problems. She woke up this morning at 3:00 and realized something was wrong and said it was like she had been out in the sun for a long period of time without sunglasses on and then came back in and everything was "super exposed". She has talked with the doctor and he is not sure what is going on but believes it is a combination of everything, i.e., surgery, anesthesia, pain medication, sleeping more than normal, low blood pressure after surgery, receiving blood, etc. I'm not sure what the plan is for now if things don't improve, but I would imagine if they don't improve in the next 24 hours she would need to go to the eye doctor and see what is going on.
Anyway, as she provides me with updates, I will provide you all with updates. She just asked that each of you keep her in your prayers and thanks everyone for all the prayers, well wishes, posts, and phone calls.
Take care of yourselves and I hope each of you has a great day.
I will continue to post updates as I receive them from her. I would love to go see her this evening with my own eyes, but I just don't want to expose her to whatever "germs" I might have that can be passed on to someone. My husband will have to be responsible for giving me an update when he gets back from making a delivery to her house this afternoon, so I hope he is very observant.
I am praying for you and the surgery you are to undergo as well as the medical team that will be taking care of you and the individuals you will rely on once you get home to help you out. I know you will do fine. I am very certain of one thing, you are a "strong" woman of faith and you have put this in God's hands. He has control of the situation just like He's had control of it all along. It was so well put in the devotion I read this morning by Joyce Meyer. She focused on Romans 8:27,28 and this is the last part of what she said, "Don't be satisfied wtih receiving half of what Jesus died to give you. Follow the Spirit's leading so that you will get all that God has for you. Seek God for clear guidance to remain right in the center of His perfect will for every single day."
From everything I've read that you have posted, that is exactly what you have done and continue to do on a daily basis. You are a source of encouragement with the faith you exhibit and I thank you for that. Many blessings to you in the days ahead and hugs as well. Please post as soon as you are able so we know you are doing well.