Ouch... Pain!!!
I'm hoping you all can make me feel better about this. I'm hurting just as much today as when I left the hospital. It's not eased up at all. There is constant pressure and pain on my left side. Part of me thinks this is normal considering I just had major surgery. But, I've seen others post and weren't hurting like this during the same timeframe. Was anyone still feeling increased pain 5 days out from surgery?
I would call doc's office and let him know. You will not bother him. He wants to know anytime his patient has a problem... just to be on the safe side in case something is wrong. Not meaning to alarm you, I dont know what it is, maybe normal as I dont remember that far back... but just to be safe
It's always best to contact your dr. or whoever is on call and desribe the pain to them. I was in a lot of pain for about 5 weeks but I had an infection in my left wound where the camera was inserted. I also ended up with strep, ear infections and a sinus infection. We all heal differently and at different levels. I'm amazed at those who didn't feel pain and was out in 2 days and walking because I could barely do anything for 6 weeks. Please check with someone on your medical team.