on 9/1/11 8:46 am
I know that I'm years late but Dr. Melvin is also my surgeon and I absolutely love him!!! He answered all my questions and the staff is wonderful as well. My surgery is scheduled for December 5th and I am soooo looking forward to it. I am giddy!!!
on 9/3/11 10:24 pm - Wartrace, TN
Hey there!!!   So glad to hear that your getting Dr. Melvin, he is the best. He was the angel that God sent me so long ago...........I am not sure how many more surgeries that he's done like mine but could you please tell him that Marilyn Sanders and her daughter Ayron said hello......He was a big part in making me who I am today.....a mother..   You lady are in my prayers and I pray for you the greatest outcome.........use the tool and use it well.....and when you are told that you will have to change your romance with food....please believe it.......Godspeed girl......


Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees,
you're in the perfect position to pray!

on 1/2/08 5:47 am - Kingsport, TN
Dr. Scot****son in Johnson City, TN. He takes Tenn Care and also medicare or medicade. I get my date tomorrow from him.

Joyce in Kingsport, TN

on 7/11/11 2:08 am, edited 7/25/11 12:00 am - Blountville, TN
he did my surgery last year. no longer takes united healthcare community plan but does take blue care medicaid. i either switch or change drs.dont know what to do       UPDATE: Dr. watson does not take the united healthcare community plan tenncare, but he will take bluecare. i switched to it so thank goodness i get to keep my dr
Darlene H.
on 1/5/08 10:20 am - Pinson, TN

Dr Dyer at Centennial in Nashville takes Medicaid/Medicare.  Here is a link to the Centennial website. darlene

Darlene Hughes
     Tangled Lights

on 2/6/08 1:40 pm - paris, TN
 i have been thinking of a lap band for some time. but with tenncare and medicare i did not think i had a chance of having it done. i live in Paris,TN i guess Nashville is not that far to go to. thanks Darlene for that link. there is a seminar 3-4-08 think i will check it out.
on 4/1/10 8:05 pm - bluff city, TN
my very first dr for surgery was dr raymond compton. he moved from johnson city, tn to paris and is excellent he is also a cardio surgeon as well.. these posts seem to be quite old but ust incase i know dr compton is awesome and i love him and had he not moved away i would hve had surgery back in 2000 instead of 2010

(deactivated member)
on 2/16/11 12:36 pm - palmersville, TN
On April 2, 2010 at 3:05 AM Pacific Time, lithium wrote:
my very first dr for surgery was dr raymond compton. he moved from johnson city, tn to paris and is excellent he is also a cardio surgeon as well.. these posts seem to be quite old but ust incase i know dr compton is awesome and i love him and had he not moved away i would hve had surgery back in 2000 instead of 2010

just a little comment to your post. I am a nurse. I worked at hcmc for 10 years and know all the docs pretty well. Dr. Compton is a general surgeon he does not work cardiac. He and Dr. harper are the only ones in paris that can do bariatric surgery.  They have kinda stopped these surgeries because of insurance issues. They didnt that thier patients had to wait for 6 months before they could have surgery because of insurance issues, plus all of the classes and things you had to do to even get to the point of surgery. Dr. Harper is a little more trained in the bariatric surgery dept. This was all he did before comming to Paris. I didnt realize that until I had asked him about the bariatric procedure. He now is doing alot of general surgeries. It was pretty cool Dr. Compton went I dont remember where to get his training for bariatric procedures and then turned around and came back to paris and offered certain employees the lap band surgery free. I tried really hard to get on that train but he was looking for a certain body type. He told me people that are more pear shaped have greater sucess with the lap band. So I guess Im not pear shaped lol. Dr Compton has repaired a hernia for me, so i got to see the 2 sides of the doc. When you are his patient he is the most awesome man in the universe because he really does care. I love the man to death. I even have him as a friend on my facebook lol. Omg is this man smart! I love to listen to him, cause he really taught me alot. but that being said he is rough on the nurses alot of the time. Lord we would step on egg shells around him but thats only because he want the best for his patients. He wants the nurses to go beyond the norm for his pts. just show he cares. I do know from a little birdie that he and Dr. Harper still do a few bariatric procedures here and there. I think if you were really deperate and be a life or death situation that they would do the bariatric procedure. You might be thinking about Dr. Lundberg hes not a cardiac specialist but a vascular specialist. He also is the bomb, love and miss me some Dr. Lundberg. I always suggest these three docs when anyone needs surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 2/16/11 12:21 pm - palmersville, TN
hey leserz, nice to see a local on here. I live in Palmersville. just read your post I was a nurse at hcmc for 10 years. I quit in 2009, About 4 years ago the lap band was a big thing at the hospital. The docs have kind of got out of it but I know for a fact they will still do some if you talk to them. Alot of the nurses there had great success. I would have it done at the hospital but Im now on tn care and the nearest doc ive found is nearly in knoxville but hey I will drive the distance. I lost alot of weight while employed at the hospital and did it on my own. I lost 88lbs but now ive gained that back and some more to go with it. I probably weigh around 300lbs and im sick of it. My health is starting to be a big issue and depression is eating at me. I want to be a role model for my kids. I have one child that is already gaining alot of weight and he is only 13. When i was younger I wanted the weight gone for vanity now I WANT MY HEALTH AND LIFE BACK and if it takes bariatric surgery then so be it. Im considering the new procedure the gastric sleeve not as invasive as gastric bypass but a little more invasive than the lap band. I think it depends on your bmi which will work best for you. Im morbidly obese. I would say if you had around 100 or less pds to lose the lap band would be the best choice and you want your surgeon to be local cause you have to have fills quite alot.. Now getting back to business I would almost bet you if you make an appointment with either Dr. Ray Compton or Dr. Jason Harper they would do it. I would first go see Dr. Harper only because this was his field of study as a resident. This is all he did at the other hospital he worked at. Now Dr. Compton is an excellent surgeon, and will do anything for his patients. He can be a little hard on his nurses lol but thats only because he wants things done right. If you decide this route tell them Dreama Glover sent you. Dr. Compton will def. know me. Dr. Harper is kind of new he might remember me. good luck and let me know how it goes
on 2/8/08 9:06 pm - Lexington, TN
Dr Weaver in Memphis takes both . Lee Lee
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