new problem with cancer and leukemia
Hi everyone, I saw my oncologist today. She doesn't know where to begin regarding the right chemo to treat my breast cancer and my leukemia. The breast chemo has to go thur an IV, the leukemia is pills only. Can't do both at the same time. Either you treat the breast cancer and let the leukemia advance and I die, or treat the leukemia and the breast cancer do it's thing and I die. I feel so lost in all this. Tired of constantly having to take more drugs, more needles, more tests. When does it it? When I'm creamated?
I also found out John had another heart attack yesterday and in the process of falling, broke his jaw. It's wired shut, no good kisses from that department when I go to Costa Rica. I also found out he's had 14 heart attacks, that's a lot and still be alive. His kids were shocked as they hadn't been told he'd had that many. I am too. He won't slow down, rest, must get everything done on the house before I come down in three weeks. Who cares about the house not being fully furnished. So what, I'd rather just stay on the boat. He has two choices, one go to Seattle where he has a house and loves it there, or to his daughters place in California, she's a cardio nurse and the last time she took care of him, he said she nearly drove him nuts. He couldn't get well fast enough to suit him. He vowed he would never go back to her place to recoperate again.
If y'all could remember to pray for John and me, I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks everyone. Oh my BMI is now 25.5 and considered still over weight. If it's 18-25 is normal, but mine is 25.5. over weight. Must be in the thighs, cause that's the only place I can't seem to get rid of. LOL
Now my friend when have you known me to give up? I will fight until the end. I am getting my will redone just to be on the safe side. I actually just need to do a codicille change, taking out daughter-n-law out, and adding daughter-in-love. One's a witch and the other is a sweetheart. When I go over towards Nashville, I will have them both use my Family Law disk to make up their own wills, especially with minors in the family. Then just take it to the court house have it notorized and put on file. Since it's both my sons birthday and my baby grandsons, I'm going to get them a fire safe box to keep all their important legal files in it, like shot records, birth and wedding certificates, etc.
I appreciate the prayers I truly do. Mine has been turned over to God, he won't let me get any sleep until I do. I do worry about John, I don't know how he's still alive after going thru 14 heart attacks, a stroke, and now a broken jaw. Sure determination is what is keeping him alive. His son is going to keep me posted every evening.
You take care my friend, and bless you for signing up on my friend list from Love ya, kathy
Oh, Kathy, when will it end? Of course I am praying for you, always but I wonder if there are other doctors you could explore. I'm sure you have fine ones now but sometimes they just aren't up to date with what can be done. As for John, wow, he is a walking miracle. I'm sure part of what keeps him going is your love.
About the daughter in law, the witch, what is the story with her. I know you have touched on it a little but what is it that makes her a witch. I just keep thinking about an old movie with Farrah Fawcett where she hated her mother in law and vice versa but they ended up being best friends when they let go of some things. Is there any hope for you two?
Hi Kym, I started this around 7am, but my computer froze up and now I'm attempting to try and answer your email again. It will end when i'm dead. As for John, he's the best next to home made apple pie. I dont take credit for him to be still walkig around, I've only know him 3 mnths. But he won't tell anyone what his decision regarding where he's to go to recuperate until he knows how my biopsies go tomorrow.
My daughter-n-law is a witch spelled with a capital B. She's a sore subject and I am jumping for joy that my son gave all he could but after 4 years of marriage and her abuse, he finally realized what she was doing, keeping his family away from him, and that we weren't good enough to even have a picture of my first grandson. I hate to say it but when it comes to families, mine wins hands down. But we weren't allowed to spend quality time with my grandson unless she was right there. She made my family so uncomfortable that we didn't want to go to their apartment to even see them. My son now realizes why his family was never there for him and her's was. I am so glad he finally took the rose colored glasses off and saw what she's been doing for the last 4 years. I feel pity for her, but no love lost. She needs professional help and she says I'm crazy, yeah I am, I am crazy about my sons, daughter-n-love, and two grandsons, I am also crazy in love with john. But I'm not crazy for the daughter-n-law. I just wish he could afford an attorney to get legal help. But he can't, so that is going to be his Christmas gift, is money to pay for his divorce. What makes her a witch, is she is a control freak, it's her way or no one's way. Including her family.
Need to go write John before I have to get to bed. My biopsies are scheduled for 9:30am. ugh. Take care and let God guide you on your journey. Kathy
Hey Toni, Thank you. I just don't see how he's still walking around with having 14 heart attacks. I'll know tomorrow regarding whether the cancer has spread to the other lymph nodes or is contained just to the breast and those lymph nodes. I feel like those of you waiting for the insurance company. That constant worry of not knowing. It's been a long week waiting for the ct scan and ultra sound tests to come back. He will also be doing biopsies on both sides in the morning. Not looking forward t that test at all. The results can take up to 3 weeks before getting them back as they are sent else where instead of locally to be tested. I pray they are back before I leave on the 3rd.
Keep us in your prayers. Love ya, girl, Kathy