Cookevillians I have a question
I am looking for an obesity support group.
After going through a divorce I am desperate to get my life back under control.
Anyone that can send me support group information please do so.
my email is [email protected]
I would prefer you contact me directly as I have problems with being able to keep up with this message board.
sometimes the messages go too fast for me to keep up.
Thanks in advance.
Tina I don't know if you got my e-mail are not so here it is
Bobbie Hickman's Message:
Tina Hi my name is Bobbie I am in Clarksville TN There are obesity support group here and I knpow there are some at Vanderbelt Hospital I wish I knew of any there but if you want to make the drive our Clarksville group is so awesome everyone is just great I have not yet had surgery thanks to my insurance company bit I hope I can have it done with in the next month. You may e-mail me anytime at [email protected] Take care Bobbie58
Bobbie Hickman's Email Address:
[email protected]