This place holds a special place in our hearts---- while Stef was undergoing treatment for her leukemia, ANGEL HEART FARM was a place we visited and instantly fell inlove with TRACY and her horses. Stef became a COWGIRL and loved to ride ROCKY(top)------ and also forgot about her illness even if for a few hours-- TRACY is up for a an award that could win her/the farm a new car...which she says she will sell and have the profits benefit the farm. PLEASE read her email to me... and go to that website...look for her NAME......under the MOVING FORWARD AWARDS.......and VOTE for her......... then pass this email on to all those people you know...
THIS is an awesome lady with a HUGE love for kids and animals...she too is a CANCER SURVIVOR----notonce but 3 times!
Hi All!
some of you know about this contest with Glamour magazine put out with Toyota, A friend of mine nominated me, her name is Joellee Anthony and much to my surprise I am in the top six! Yikes, I am asking you all to vote! The farm can win a car! I plan on selling it and then we can have money for the farm and kids! Please ask all your email friends to vote to please! The trip to New York was great and the other gals were very nice and wonderful! Please vote! go to the voting site . . .
It's The Moving Forward Awards . . . TRACY KUJAWA.
Vote and pass this on with our appreciation!
Angel Heart Farm is