Feel like I've been in a time warp
Hi, I just got a new laptop and was able to get back on this site and boy has it changed. The whole format thing is weird. I'm not even sure I know anyone here anymore, but here's my story.
I had GBS on 10-19-04 at Vandy after appealing my case the first time. My surgeon was Dr. Kelly Wright (good doctor, but horrible bedside manner). I started out weighing 383lbs before doing my 6 month diet and only managed to lose 20 lbs during that. I had comorbidities of non-insulin dependent diabetes, sleep apnea, and arthritis. The day before my surgery, I weighed 363.5lbs.
I had open Roux-n-Y done and had to be re-admitted 24 hours after being discharged from the hospital as I couldn't keep anything down. I spent 6 more days in Vandy and ended up going home on feeding which I gave myself via a tube which had been placed in my old stomach. After a period of about 8 weeks, I slowly weaned myself off the tube feeding and began eating. To this day there are certin foods which I cannot tolerate, such as eggs and tuna, which sucks as both are good sources of protein.
I am now 19 months out and weigh anywhere from 201-210 depending on things such as PMS and bloating. I had to have two EGDs done within the first 6 months after surgery for strictures. Until last November, I exercised religiously about 5-7 days per week at Curves.
However, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December of 2005 after losing the sight in my right eye. I had been battling headaches and blurry vision since the spring of 2004, but the neuro doc I had said it was nothing important even though they had found a brain lesion on MRI. After switching doctors, I found i not only had the large lesion but also smaller ones in the brain and on the spinal cord. To date, I have not regained vision in the right eye. My profession was a nurse who worked for a large insurance company reviewing medical records. The visual defect makes it impossible to read for more than 10 minutes without getting a severe headache followed by vomiting. I also have limited mobility at times and require use of a cane or walker, but most of the time, I can get around okay. So I am currently battling Social Sevurity to get disability as both my neuroogists and my neurosurgeon say I am 100% disabled.
My thing is I hven't exercised in months since being diagnosed and I've hit this huge plateau. Granted I have lost about 170lbs from the summer before my surgery, going from a size 26-28 ot 30-32 to a 14-16, but I still would like to get to about 165. Heck, I'm probably toting around 20lbs of excess flesh on my stomach and thighs, but I've kinda given up on the lottery fairy dropping enough cash in my lap for plastics.
Another thing is I do not eat like I should. Oh, I still don't eat large amounts, but I have fallen back into eating sweets and carbs as the dumping thing gets better and better with time. I do not want to have wasted all the hard work I did to get to where I am at, but I also am unsure how to get back in the groove of eating right and exercising.
Is there anyone out there who may have backslid a little bit and can tell me the secret of getting back on track? It sounds silly to even admit that I am not doing right, but the first 6 months after being diagnosed with the MS and the docs playing with my meds left me really too depressed to care, but I defiantly do not want to ever go back to being the neighborhood fat lady.
Thanks for just letting me vent;sometimes my skinny hubby just doesn't understand.
kelly I am pre surg but wanted to just Give you a big Hug and let you know you are not alone in the vision thing . I was a licensed Vet Tech for 11 yrs . I had histoplasmosis and have been lossing my vision in stages for 16 yrs . I am legaly blind in both etes even with corrective lens . Have you contacted Services for the Blind .. they can help with some adaptive aides ... I am a member of Curves mine is wonderful about letting me know when the change the curcit around and takeing me thruogh it till I adjust. If I can help in any way please contact me .. I know how devistating lossing your vision and your livelyhood is
Hi Laura!!! I was reading your post to Kelly and Isaw where you said you have histplasmosis, I have toxoplasmosis, I wonder if they are similiar? i was diaganosed at the age of 12 and am blind out of my right eye but can see a little bit around the sides it has been arrested.. and I must use my left eye to see which is getting a little weak as I age! OMG!!! did I say that????? of course i am used to seeing this way as i have been this way most of my life just was wondering about yours ..sincerely Arianna
Kelly, I have never experienced this, but my suggestion would be to talk to your surgeon first & then your nut. I bet they could help a lot. PLEASE don't get discouraged, we all have these set back's such as a plateau. Keep holding your head up proudly & things will be OK. Remember, if & when you need to vent, come on back, we'll be hear to listen.
Histo is the lung infection that is carried by birds . about 90% of the pop in in TN has had it but only in very mild forms . The most common result fromdamage is lung scaring ,But in about 3% it does attack other orgons in the body ,Kidney ,liver and retinas . I have extensive scaring on my retinas which would not be a problem except the immune system picks up the left over protien markers from the histo from time to time and tries to do its job and get rid of it as an infection . This caiuses blood or fliud leaks unde the retina and I end up lossing that area . It is alot like diabetes retinopothy or Macalur degen . I do have most of my side veision left but and down to 800/20 in my good eye I have shadow and light left in the bad . It has been progressive since 1989. All the steriods used to try and slow this down have helped lead to the weight gain and my metabolisim being messed up .. all has not been bad tho I did get a little miricle baby .. after being told we could not have any more due to some problems I went on a high dose round and ended up with our wonderful baby girl ,
I hope you vision is stable Email me some time if you like [email protected]
Hey Kellygirl, I am back online after being off for a month. I have missed everyone on here so much. I will be seeing my surgeon at 3pm today for my 7th month weigh-in and measurements. I missed the 6th month as I was in WVa visiting the parents. I am sorry to hear about your eye problem. I wish I could do something to make it better.
I wanted to let you know I will be in LaVergne on Sept. 1-5. Maybe we will be able to get together and meet. I would like that.
Let me know when and where. love ya Kathy