Sleep Study
I was called to have my sleep study last night instead of waiting until July. Had I known ahead of time where I was going to have the study, I would have cancelled it in a heart beat. They put the oxygen tube on me, but never gave me any. I barely slept as I couldn't breath. My bipap with 2 liters of oxygen is set for level 18. They said I didn't meet their criteria for a bipap or for oxygen. So why do my lungs burn, and I'm so tired. I will be contacting my ENT Dr. tomorrow to rescheule me at the hospital center where I always get it done. There they at least put you on a machine to breath and increase it as needed. I sleep with oxygen everynite as when I am deeply asleep my oxygen drops. Being awake it doesn't. I even have to take it with me when I go to work out as I have a hard time breathing from the excersising.
I haven't taken my chemo pills for 4 days, my potassium hasn't dropped, I haven't been sick either. Pills are staying down. But I know that I can't stay off the chemo very long as my white cells will go up and could force me into the next phase. I could end up resisting the chemo if I stay off too long. But right now, I am enjoying some energy, sleep, and not feeling sick constantly.
Much to do before I attend the Veterans memorial up my mountain. Happy Memorial Day to all Veterans. With love, Kathy