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Topic: I am an Reg.Nurse and had lapband surgery and can do your fill here in Saskatoon.
I had my surgery in Mexico in 2004 and its been the best thing I've done for myself. I researched the surgeon, his team, and the hospital prior to having surgery. I was completely satisfied with the surgery and aftercare. And the cost was affordable, whi*****luded 2 nights in hospital, 2 nights in hotel and transportation to and from the airport by hospital staff. I had my fills done by the surgeon 3 times and then learned to do it myself. I have also done fills on another patient here in Saskatoon. If you're interested in hearing more about my surgery, aftercare, or if you would like me to fill your band, contact me @ [email protected]
apparently there is a doctor in Winnipeg who does fills - I think it's a Dr. Andrews. He has not yet been approved by Manitoba Health to do the surgeries but he does the fill for people who have had the lapband surgery in Toronto.
Topic: RE: Saskatchewan, Canada anybody already had WLS
I just called Dr. Brian Colquhoun's office and he is retired. The lady I spoke to said that she doesn't think anyone in SK does it. I am scheduled for Dr. Mumford (in Dr Cobourn's clinic) on March 12th. I contemplated looking into wether sask health would pay but was told it is at least a year for the consultation to see if your eligible and then 6 months for the procedure. I wasn't wililng to wait and then possibly be rejected and be 12 months behind. I'm pumped!
Am seriously considering lap band out of country. Where can I get fills? Dr davey does not do fills for people who are not his patients, and neither does the dr in calgary. For those of you who went out of the country, who does you fills???
Please let me know. Thanks so much.
You can email at [email protected]
Topic: RE: Saskatchewan, Canada anybody already had WLS
I would be very interested to hear more about your surgery in Mexico - I've seen some of the ads and I'm pretty hesitant about getting it done in Mex. could you tell me who is the surgeon and where I could get more info?
Topic: Just Starting
Hi, Just starting the process to find a surgeon and inquire about Sask Health help covering the cost of WLS (Lap Band if possible). Does anyone know of a good surgeon, where one might be, any type of coverage offered in Sask, anything about out of province surgery?
Any info would be muchly appreciated.
Anyone wanting to persue partnering up and organizing the costs of possibly car pooling etc to cover costs of out of town or out of province procedures.....
Would love to hear from someone...
Prince Albert
Topic: RE: Saskatchewan, Canada anybody already had WLS
I had lap band surgery in April 2004 in Mexico and the experience was great. I am a nurse, so I researched my surgeon and the hospital prior to choosing either. The cost was $8600 U.S. but a friend of mine had it done by the same surgeon last August for $7000 U.S. This includes all pre-op, surgery, accomodation for yourself and a companion in the Hospital for one or 2 nights and one night in a hotel. I have had great success. My BMI was 39 and I had arthritis and my blood pressure was rising. I was also 52 years old. I didn't check out SaskHealth about covering it, but I did submit my receipts to Income tax and it was accepted. If you want more info, email me @: [email protected]
Topic: RE: HELP info needed
Hi Donna: You didn't mention how much weight you need to lose or what your BMI is. I had lap-band surgery done 3 years ago and it was very successful. I lost 70 of the 90 unwanted lbs. I had it done in Mexico, after researching it very thoroughly. I did not try to see if SaskHealth would cover it, but I did submit my receipts to Income Tax and they were accepted. Also I am a recovery room nurse and I have seen many patients have "tummy tucks" also called abdominoplasty, which is covered by SaskHealth. But the surgeon has to agree that you need the abdominoplasty, usually after a large weight loss. It does not help you lose weight. It is just to remover the excess skin resulting from large weight loss. I wouldn't have the tummy tuc****il you've reached or got close to your goal weight. This surgery is very major and recovery time is long, so you don't want to go through it more than once.!! If you'd like more info on my experience in Mexico, I would be glad to tell you. It was half the price that a surgeon in Toronto is charging for the same procedure. My Mexican surgeon has been doing lap-bands for 11 years, and its only been in Canada (Toronto )for 2 years. Good luck.
Topic: B
I'm posting on several boards to get as much response as possible- Thanks!
Hi everyone,
It's been on my mind for a while and I ahve decided to take action. So, I thought I'd put it out there, see what comes back and depending on the response, try to put together set of a comprehensive results. Thanks in advance for your help ( and for not FLAMING me...
If you had to take a "written" test to help you understand if you were prepared to deal with, take on, cope with WLS, would you take it? What quetions would be on this test?
If there were a test to help you determine where you needed to improve your skills and habits in order to have a successful WLS, what would be on it?
If there were a test you could take periodically to assess your strengths and weaknesses in your pre- and post-WLS progress, would you use it? What topics would it cover?
if there were a workshop for your "circle of support" to take to help you on your journey, would you ask them to participate? Why or why not? Would this be a one shot deal or a series of workshops?
If there were a test devised to suggest and/or assess which WLS would be most successful for you, would you take it? What questions do you think should definitely be on it?
If there were an assesment you could use to determine if your WLS medical team was a good fit for you, would you use it? What questions would be on it? What info would you "have" to know?
How would you define WLS "success"?
How would you define being "WLS-challenged"?
Thanks again!!!!

Topic: RE: Saskatchewan, Canada anybody already had WLS
Hi June, I'm glad I could help
I actually recently moved to New Brunswick, and even though there's a lapband surgeon an hour away from me, I will have to go to Nova Scotia (3 hours) to see a lady who was trained by Dr. Cobourn to do fills. He's also done this with Dr's in Calgary (and coming soon to Edmonton too, I believe), so if I had stayed in SK, I would have just gone to Calgary for fills. Nice excuse for a little shopping trip, I think! Maybe with more people getting banded in SK, we'll soon get a dr. or someone trained to do fills.
My first fill was done in Calgary... Dr. Cobourn just happened to be coming to Calgary (to train those other Dr's) at my 6 week point, when I was needing my first fill. So I got to have him do that one. My 2nd (and last one), was in August. I'd just moved to NB, with high hopes of this lapband surgeon here doing my fills... he refused... I was starting work RIGHT away, so I maxed my Visa, and flew to TO for the day! Got a little bit of a fill, early in the morning, at the clinic, and flew out that evening.
Feel free to email me, (I think you have the option to send email from here?) anytime. Good luck, you'll do great!