lap band surgeons

on 11/24/05 8:45 am - Edmonton, Canada
Hi, Seeing as there's usually a two year wait for lap band surgery, and I plan to move to Sask in a couple years, I was wondering if someone could point me in...well some kind of direction to a surgeon in the Saskatoon area that does perform this surgery, and if anyone knows of an insurance company in Sask that would cover this surgery. Thanks Amber
on 3/25/06 9:47 pm - Regina, Canada
Hi; Well I live in Saskatchewan Amber, and as of yet I dont know a doc that does lapband proc. yet, I have been referred to see a doctor in Saskatoon he doenst do the lap band that I know of, he does the duodenal switch which resembles the RNY. I have heard of a doctor in Edmonton that does the lapband, from what my family doctor told me, she would prefer to keep any kind of surgery in saskatchewan before going out of province to do. But she also was hesitant about the duodenal switch because its so envasive...but next day after she agreed to refer me, her office called me and told me they have refered me to the doctor in Saskatoon which I dont believe he does the lapband. Maybe she had change of heart, maybe she found out he does do it, or even maybe he can refer me to someone who does. Another bit of info, that doctor is retiring which I found odd too that my doctor knowing he was retiring in 2 years and yet she still refered me there. I think his name is Dr. Colhoun and his waiting list is over 3 years. Now Saskatchewan health does pay for the Surgery and the post care Surgeries (Tummy Tuck etc...). And so should other Canadian Provinces.... And I know Saskatchewan Health care will cover this if you get surgery out of province, but I dont believe their at a stage yet to cover out of Country. As far as Medical Coverage Private ... Corporate... my insurance doenst cover weight loss surgery that i know of, of course when I called them to ask it wasnt even in their vocabulary. But the woman on the phone told me to get a referal and submit it, and see what they respond to.... chances are they dont. She has never heard of anyone submitting that request. And I am with Great West Life. Hope this answers any of your questions. If you need to contact me, I do know a few people in saskatchewan here that are pre and post opp. So I could try to get you more answers if you need. My email address is [email protected] and if you have chat it is [email protected] or [email protected].
on 7/18/06 5:07 am - Regina, Canada
Hi, I recieved a call from Sask Health and Dr. Colquhoun in Saskatoon used to perform this surgery, but no longer does as he is on medical leave and then will retire I believe. Now not sure how true this information is though. Sask Health will cover the cost of the surgery and all hospital costs. If you go out of province, the surgical procedure would need to be billed under the Interprovincial Reciprocal Billing Agreement. I hope this helps. If you find out more information on this, let me know at [email protected] Thanks Preeti
on 7/21/08 5:52 am - Canada
Hi Amber ... have you found a doctor or had surgery yet or still in need of having it?
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