Delay in Trying to get surgery-Bummed out

on 6/30/10 12:43 pm - Canada
 Hi Everyone I am new here.  I tired to get approval from Medicard for my weight loss surgery in Mexico through Weight Loss forever but I was told by the company that they could only approve me for $3000 and that was with a Co-Signer. Needless to say i am totally bummed right now.  My Father is great, he said not to give up hope and we would try the application with him as a co-signer and see if we can get the full amount.  I am now in the process of finding a doctor who can do follow up care, who is also sensitive to obesity issues.  I am what is classifed as Super Obese....died when I read that, but I can't argue with it.  I have Osteoarthritis in my knees and am in pain all the time. When I had an Endoscopy done they said i had an Ulcer (a year ago) not surprising-i am a single mother and always under stress.

I am here because I NEED the surgery, I don't want the gastic bypass that I can get here in Saskatchewan, I dont' want to be open on the table. I have also had too many friends who have done this and they are perpetually yellow......that and the waiting list is SO long and the hoops I have to jump through to get it done is crazy.

I CANT lose weight because I suffer from Polysistic Ovarian Syndrome. Keeping track of my food for 6 months and proving that I can lose weight is just unnecessary suffering.  I am wondering why we can't get the Gastric Sleeve Surgery paid for. It is a safer surgery, less side effects and they have been doing it for years-if you have Stomach Cancer that is. So now I am feeling my best bet would be to have stomach cancer so that I can have the Sleeve done-which is totally ridiculous.  I am starting to suffer from some Severe Co-Mobitities......I can't get a job right now because people won't hire me because of my weight and my weight won't go anywhere do to my medical issues......but yet everybody keeps telling me to diet and exercise.....I can't exercise, my legs/knees won't allow it........and when I diet I GAIN I have stopped dieting.

I am curious as to when the Saskatchewan government will get progressive and pay for some prevention surgeries....I would rather have them pay for the sleeve surgery than two knee and hip replacements, all my drugs to deal with the pain and what ever other surgeries I will need due to my obesity-oh and I won't be able to get any of them until I lose weight-which is quite ironic.....

So thanks for listening to me and all the best to everyone getting WLS...I hope to be one of those people SOON..!!!!
on 7/3/10 1:25 am

I'm so sorry to hear about your financial troubles. :(

Have you called the bariatric program in Regina recently? I've heard they will start doing the sleeve soon.
Also I hope you have a referral to an endocrinologist for your pcos-there are some medications/treatments that help a bit.

on 7/3/10 4:19 am - Canada
 Oh wow Ivy.....that would be great if they were going to do the sleeve procedure here in Saskatchewan.....I will have to contact Regina to see what is happening.

I just hope though that they still won't have the 6 month journalling of diet and exercise as a requirement, I can't lose weight do to the PCOS and would hate to have that be the thing that stands in the way of getting the sleeve.  I really wish government and the other professionals would be up to date with the research that states diet and exercise are not  the way for Extremely obese people to lose weight that the only thing that will help them is the WLS

it kind of feels like a punishment for being overweight with a medical condition that you have no control over.

I was without my arthritis medication for almost a week and my knees are so bad, I am starting to have other co-morbiitiys with being overweight and I just want to get this weight off so that I can stop taking my medications and become healthy again. I hope it does not come to having to be in a wheelchair before they let me have the surgery.

I will keep investigating and Thank you so much for the info

on 7/6/10 9:58 am
Having just gone through the government program, I am here to tell you that WLS is not the answer to your prayers unless you are willing to attempt life-style changes.  There is no requirement to lose any weight in the 6 month program, you just cannot gain,  And as far as exercise, they are dedicated professionals who work with you to find something (anything) you can do - it is not a regimented program.  Sounds like maybe you are hoping for a cure instead of a tool to your weightloss.  As far as the journals go, if you are eating properly, what's to be afraid of?
I used my size an excuse for years saying "I can't......", well it turned out that I CAN and you can to.  You have to want it.
on 7/22/10 7:29 am - Canada are totally right.  WLS is not the cure, simply a tool....a great tool if we use it properly but sadly, all the issues, mental and otherwise that got us to super morbidly obese do not go away with the surgery.  I have had two surgeries and and still not at my goal weight.  I still have at least another 100 lbs to lose.  It is a daily ongoing struggle...that does not change.  On a positive note, having surgery was the very best thing I have ever done for myself.  Even though I have a long way to go, I feel sooooo much better than I did 2 years ago and that is a blessing.

Good luck to everyone on their journey!!!



Band 7/13/08-419.5 lbs  VSG 9/3/09-346 lbs  DS 3/7/11 - 315 lbs   CW: 197

on 7/25/10 10:09 am - Canada
 I thank you for your comment ..........I am not sure if you really read my post......and I don't want to be negative here but I really CANNOT exercise........I can barley stand for more than 10 minutes due to my weight.........the only thing I can do it go to the pool but that takes money which I DO NOT have as I cannot find work due to being overweight..........

If I had the money to afford the surgery I would have been on a plane in Mexico having the VSG without having to wait for 6 months and jumping through hoops to get a surgery that I NEED so that I can live my life and be employed and see my son get married and have grandchildren...........

The Arthristis is so bad in my knees....that is both of them.......that it takes me almost 1 1/2 hours to get ready in the morning.........I have difficulty walking to the bathroom and other various problems I dont' want to discuss here.......I am very short 5'4" and weigh over 325 lbs....placing my BMI in the 50's................I have struggled for 20 years with my weight...........all sorts of diets and exercise programs which have put ON the weight........I am done the diet route........

I know I have to make changes when I have the surgery and I am prepared to do so, but I also need a tool that will help when I am losing weight.............I am not looking for a cure.....I am looking for a solution so that I can live to see my 80's instead of dying in 20 years due to my morbid obesity........

Why is it that obesity is the last acceptable form of discrimination......blaming someone for being obese and assuming that diets will work is a little bit like blaming someone for being short.........I have no control........Medically my body is against less than 1 year in my 20's I gained over 100lbs.....and that was eating SALADS and Exercising........PCOS is not nice and it interferes with anything that you attempt to do.............VSG surgery is the only surgery that Cures PCOS by 80%.........I can't afford not to try as my next step is a wheelchair waiting for Knee surgery which they won't give me because I am severly overweight....................

I want a chance to live......that is all I am asking.........and since I can't be accepted for financing for the surgery in Mexico I now have to wait for Regina to approve me and jump through all the hoops and wait and pray that I am not in a wheelchair or dead before I get my surgery.............and pray that my body doesn't fight against me...............

this for me if life or death..............I would rather have the first than the latter............

on 9/29/10 5:14 am
Hang in there...there is a way and there is hope.  I had my sleeve in June and love it...all I can say is be sure to do lots of checking on the surgeon before you take the leap.  I suggest Dr. Ortiz with the Obesity Control Centre in Tijuana, Mexico...they also have a 5 year follow up program and will be with you every step of the way...
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