Can you get lap band surgery in Saskatchewan?
Hi Kathy, I won't say definately not, but you're unlikely to qualify with a BMI of 30, unless you have a lot of co-morbidities - high blood pressure, diabetes etc. Even if you did, you'd have a very long wait to get surgery here. You could go to Ontario or the US or Mexico if you want to pay yourself. I went to Tijuana Mexico for mine and have no regrets, cost much less than the other places. Good luck with your search.
Hi Kathy
You cannot get any kind of bariatric surgery in Sask. at this time. I had lapband surgery in Tijuana, Mexico, 4 years ago with Dr. Lopez Corvala. He is the director of the Surgeon Training Center in Mexico. He has years of bariatric experience. You are considered obese if your BMI is over 30, and overweight if you're 25 - 30. You may be interested in another procedure with a balloon that is placed in the stomach, filled with saline and done through the mouth and esophagus therefore not requiring any surgery or general anaesthetic. They do sedate you so you're very relaxed . Dr. Corvala does this procedure for $3500 including ground transportation, hotels, and hospital. The ballon is removed after 6 months. You can check this or call me for more info. Lorna King R.N. 306-373-1879 or 306-280-7313. I am also having an info session on April 13th at 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. at the libarary auditorium at Lakewood Civic Center in Saskatoon at 1635 McKercher drive. Call me to register. Good Luck Kathy.
Hi Kathy,
There is talk (and so far it's just talk) through the Ministry of Health of the possibilty to recruit a lap band surgeon to work in the Bariatric Surgery Assessment Clinic if it makes it past it's initial 15 month pilot project in Regina.
No promises,
but it opens the door for many more patients.
Crossing my fingers,
Joel Sopp