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I'm so sorry that happened to them. I know how those special family memories and momentos are so dear and irreplaceable. I will be in prayer for you and your family. I hope the Red Cross or some other agencies can help them with the other necessities of life as they deal with all they've lost. Best regards!
Topic: up date on Josh
Josh is on his way back to the state he his going to Bethesda naval hospital i will post when i find out how he doing Ila
Topic: RE: One week ago today!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I hope you are still doing well. It sounds like all is GOOD!
I'm sorry about this sad news. I am praying for you & your son. Remember - everything happens for a reason. God has a plan. Where do they live? Hope better luck is headed there way!! Love, Sheri
Topic: RE: When is the next meeting??
according to their website it's next week monday the is a link
Ruth Ann
My son lost his home and everything in it this morning in a electrical house fire. He got a way with his life (the good news) and a pair of boxers and white t-shirt. His girl friend also has her life (also good news) and pajamas. Otherwise they've lost everything: home, furniture, clothes, purses, computer ... and have NO insurance!!!!! Kenneth's great loss was his loss of memories...He had the flag that was draped over his great uncle's (and namesake), Uncle Kenneth, casket, his grandmother's ashes and a painting she's done, and also a pillow made from shirts from his other grandmother after her death. In addition, there were many other momentos. Everything else can be replaced (eventually), but these things are irreplaceable. I AM SO HAPPY THAT THEY ARE ALIVE, but still am crying and upset. Worse yet, I am eating...Eating...EATING! We have to go shopping looking for some clothes for least underwear and a couple outfits. They need toiletries too. YUK!
Topic: RE: When is the next meeting??
Sioux Valley Hospital, downstairs. It is held on the third Monday of each month at 7pm. I've not gotten a notice for this month, but I would assume that this is still correct. I will check and if it is different I will let you know.
Topic: up date on Josh
Josh now has a fever and pnuemonia he is stable going to see if they should wait it out or send him back to the state to get the surgery he will need Ila
Topic: RE: i have bad new
Oh dear, my prayers are with you and your cousin. I hope that he will survive and our Lord does work miracles - so I will pray for a miracle. Does he have a wife, children, other family? Lots of love.