post op 2-5 years ago HELP
Has anyone had gastric bypass (open) a few, like 2-5 years ago, and had nothing but trouble?
I had surgery a couple months over 4 years ago. I had wonderful results -- was healthy and tiny and happy for 2 or 2.5 years. Then the problems began - I have gained back most of my weight, maybe not the last 10-20 pounds, and have done nothing but throw up. I went back to my Dr last may (2004) and he removed my gallbladder, telling me that would help. Well, it hasn't - I am sick all the time. I don't seem to throw up any food - just mucus and salivia.
I dont eat sweets - as they make me sick sick sick. I dont do the "bad" stuff they tell us not to. The Dr. who did my bypass won't help so I am seeking out another Dr.
The receptionist I talked to at the "new" clinic said she has heard complaints about the Dr who did the surgery --- he has been doing gastric bypass 20+ years.
Thank you for any help.
[email protected]