Support group in Rapid City
on 6/24/06 2:48 am - windy, WY
on 6/24/06 2:48 am - windy, WY
Hi, I live in Wyoming and would like to know of any doctors in rapid city or closer to me than denver. I am having some difficulty with the insurance person at the surgeon's office that I have chosen to do my lap band surgery. She just doesn't seem to give a damn whether or not I am a patient. My insurance company doesn't cover lapband but I am going to appeal and hopefully go to the external review board and if necessary possibly use an attorney. Anyway, I was told by her that I had been denied so I initially decided to be self pay (which like so many of you can't afford). I called my insurance co. to see why they wouldn't pay for the surgery and was told that there had never been any pre-authorization sent to them. There had been a phone call from the doctor's office a0nd when she was told that they didn't cover it, then she called me and told me I had been denied.
I can't start my appeal process until I have the official rejection letter from my insurance co. (I'm almost done) okay, so basically I told her exactly what she needed to send to the insurance co. and she would tell me that she did and I could find out that she had not sent the information that the company needed, like letter of medical necessity, I have tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but I just feel like she doesn't give a sh@# about whether or not I get help from my insurance company. I mean shouldn't she know what the company needs? I think she should.
So maybe some of you can see why I need to find someone else to help me with my surgery. I know there is a doctor in Riverton, Wyoming that does bariatric surgery but I go to Rapid City a lot and would prefer to find someone in that direction. Please let me know if anyone has any advice.
pissed off in wyoming