Insurance Question
Does any one have any idea how BCBS approves you for the surgery. My company is changing insurance again. We have Cigna now, and we are switching to Blue Cross Blue Sheild. I live in Goose Creek and I want to have the surgery early next year. Any help or advice could help. I am sort of desperate now. I also need a doctor for a referral. I was told Dr. Byrne only takes patients by referral. I have heard so many great things about him. Please email me or respond.
[email protected]
Hi Pam
I'm pre-op also and am seeing Dr. Byrne. I think it depends on the type of Blue Cross - Blue Shield you have. Mine is BCBS of Illinois PPO and they have been a real pain! They have a lot of stipluations you have to adhere to and then they pick all that apart. As it stands with my policy right now (of course, they change when they want to) your morbid obesity has to have been documented for the last five years, you have to adhere to a medically supervised diet with lots more stipulation, and fail for 12 months and that 12 months has to have been in the past 24 months. Also, you have to get a psych eval from a independent psychiatrist or psychologist not associated with the surgeon's program. I've got the policy printed out regarding WLS if you'd lke to see it. I live in Summerville and work in Hanahan. Give me a call at 747-6461 ot 991-0473 and we'll get together.