I'm home
Hi guys. Just wanted to update. I had surgery on Wednesday 7/6. I got home around 8:30 pm on Friday. Things are going fine. The doctors did the surgery laproscopic. Had no real problems except for nauseau and my iv made my had blow up.
I doing good today. Not i much pain. The surgery wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Thanks for all the prayers.
Congrats Lori on picking a doctor.
Am glad things went better than you thought it would be. Good to see that you posted already, cause I have been wondering how you were feeling.
Will you be at the Trident support group Saturday? How was the drive home?
Yes, am glad I have my appointment Monday at 9:00, I can't wait! Hubby met Dr. Bryne last week, and am hoping he's equally impressed with Dr. Strickland
Will talk to you soon!
Hey Wendy
Glad you're home and everything went well. Seems we both had just about the same experience. My left arm was swollen for a few days and there's still a little knot behind my wrist. I'm not having any pain at all except it's uncomfortable to lay on my left side.
Take it slow and you'll be up and around almost as good as new. The second day I was home I made enough jello for 2 weeks. I'm so sick of broth and Jello I could scream. Oh how I wish I could have some purried fried chicken. (that's for the folks in Dr. Strickland and Givens' June nutrition class)