Yes, I know I live in Nevada, but...
I'm feeling nostalgic/blue/whatever... I visited my family in Charleston last month, and I just miss everyone so much. (I actually stayed on John's Island with Granny).
I am SERIOUSLY considering moving to SC, probably in 4-5 years. So, what I'm wondering is, how do you all (sorry, "y'all") think a "westerner", who's lived in NV for 20+ years, would acclimate to living in the south? How's the job market? What about cost of living, housing, etc...
I guess I'm just anxious to talk to people on the "other" coast, and see what I may be getting myself into. I used to live in Va. Beach, but it was so long ago that I don't remember anything really...
Any thoughts would be appreciated...
Hi Gina,
Charleston is the friendliest city in America and you would fit right in. We live in Goose Creek, about 20 minutes out from Charleston. It and the Summerville area are the fastest growing areas around here. I think the housing market is more reasonable in these areas as well. I guess it depends on your job field as to how easy it is to find a job. I work as a retail manager and we moved here in December and because I wanted to work at the new Vitamin Shoppe that was opening here, I didn't search too hard and started work at the end of February, and we opened the store in March. I wish I had known you were coming here I would have loved to have met you. One of the best things about my job, is that I get to meet a lot of gastric by-pass patients and help them find some tasty protein. lol
You can look at want ads in the Charleston Post and Courier.
P.S. Why wait 4-5 years the beach is calling now!!!
COME ON DOWN!!! This is as close to heaven as I expect to get! I grew up in Charleston, married a career Army guy, and have now come back after 39 years.........and LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT.
When did you have your surgery? Your pic looks AWESOME! I am scheduled for Sept 1, and really wi**** would get here sooner!
Wesie, loving the sound of that ocean
Hey Gina..Missed you girl!! Funny thing is I don't live in South Carolina neither but my hubby says he eady to move from the BIG CITY also. We have lived in Michigan all of our lives and I am ready for a change too. New Life, New Look, New Career, the whole thang. So I am going to different state boards gathering information. Hope all is well with you and keep in touch girlfriend ((((HUS)))
Hey, Alicia!
Long time, no talk... how ya been?
I would LOVE to move right now, I love Charleston, but I especially miss my family. Well, my Dad & Stepmom are here in Reno, but all of my mom's family is in SC.
If you move there, we'll have to hook up on one of my trips!
Everything's well with me, still on a plateau, but it's my own fault. I need to get more strict with the food thing... I still want to lose about 60 lbs, I am so NOT done losing, dang it!
Hope things are good with you too!
Hugs back!