Check with your employer to see if they included WLS coverage in their insurance package with UHC. If so, you're a shoe in! UHC can be slow in approval simply because they have a nasty habit of their right hand not know what the left hand is doing, but they almost always approve as long as you have a high BMI, are 100 lbs overweight, or have a few co-morbs, and as long as your employer didn't ask for an exclusion.
If there's anything I can do to help you with the approval process, give me shout!
Thanks Tracy for the information. I enjoyed the seminar with Dr.Givens, it was very informative. I left there feeling very confident about my decision to have WLS and I was very excited.
I called UHC today and my plan does cover WLS with no exclusions, so that was a blessing for me.
Also I heard from Dr. Givens office today and I have my pre-op consultation on Monday 5/24.
Im kinda worried though even though I am 5ft tall I weigh 246lbs. My BMI is 48. I am not on any medications and I dont have any ailments like high blood presssure, just sore and achey bones and sometimes numbness from a small frame carrying a round this heavy load.