Maybe someone could help me with a ??
I was researching a new Dr in my state, who had been in practice in another stated doing Bariatric surgeries and he teaches at out state medical school and teaching hopital. I was thinking about going to him to do mine. I would be able to have it done much sooner than with the Dr. I'm with currently because he hasn't built up a big following yet.
In researching him, I came across an official document from the State Licensing Board. It states in it that he had been practicing in the other state and had lost his license due to addiction problems. He moved to our state and started teaching and practicing, doing bariatric surgeries. I have heard absolutly nothing bad about his abilities to preform, but the document went on to say that within 18 monts of his starting here, he was charged with self-medicating with pain killers. His license was held until Board could gather info and make decision. He was found guilty and made to do 6 month rehab, and he is NOT allowed to prescribe ANY pain meds except at the hospital for his patients and only allowed to prescribe other meds in 10 day non-refillable doses at office and hospital, and he will face random drug testing for the next several years.
He is abiding by these rulings and is considered an very good surgeon, but now I don't know!?!?! Should I go to him and have things progress earlier, or should I just stick with Dr I have now. I researched him also, and he has NEVER been brought before the State Licensing Board for any indiscretions. Which does not mean he is squeeky clean, but that he has not ever been caught doing anything that would make him loose his liscence. He also is a very good surgeon, but is in high demand and surgery schedule is very busy so waiting list is longer.
Now I am all for forgivng someone who has done something wrong, short of deliberate murder, and giving then a second chance. But this Dr. has been found guilty at least 2 times of self-medication with pain meds. I did not go back and search the state where he came from, so I don't know if there were other charges and why he left the state. Maybe he just wanted a move, but then again, he may not have been offered the chance for rehab. and to continue practicing!!!!!
I would like your opinions, would you trust a Dr. that had been found guilty by 2 State Liscening Boards for indiscretions and lost his license in one state and have provisions on it in the current state???? ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME!!!!!

Well, I have decided to stick with my current Dr. I may have to pay a $150 non-refundable fee and wait in line like a good little girl till I can get in to see him and start the long process, but that is so much better than dealing with the other Dr. He is NOT even listed with the AMA!! and as I did further research on over 50 Drs and plastic surgeons in a 100 mile radius of my home, he was the ONLY one who had any negative reports!!! And he had several of them, dating back to 1998, so it wasn't a one time deal!! My life is worth more that that $150 and a little time!! I'm sticking with my Dr I have right now!! Thanks!!
Hey Patty, if this is the doctor you emailed me about. He also came to me hightly recommended. My cousins wife is a nurse at the hospital he works at. She knows nurses that used him and are very happy with their results. They all sing his praises. Let me know if this is the same doc. I had no idea about these problems you listed.

Here is a surgeon in Charlotte to consider.