What can I do to get a leg up?
The simanar was canceled and will not be avalible for me to go to for anouther month. I would love to get a head start and not feel like I am wasting anouther month wateing to begin the process. My GP will not do a diet with me. I Am happy with him but need anouther option. He recomended me joining WW or southbeach. I feel that this will be a huge wast of money and time. I am already watching what I eat now, and have tried diets in the past. I know that my insurance requiers a 6 month diet for approval and I feel that I need a doctor to do it to be approved though the insurance. I dont know were to start. Do I wate untill after the siminar wich is March 25th or do I try something first. Please any suggestions will be a great help.