My first ever Triathlon Report!!!
I am very proud to finally be able to do a triathlon report!! People who do the triathlons tell me it is customary so here it goes...
First it was Sun morning in Greenville SC and according to the weather website only a 10% chance of rain....well the 10% took and it rained/lightening/thundered all the way to the start of the triathlon. My bike, clothes, gloves, etc...soaked. NOT a good start. Anyways-on with the report
I did my first triathlon!! I signed up for the "Open" category because I thought OPEN meant novice/amateur/virgin to triathlons......NOPE. Open is another word for "Elite". Out of 12 different categories, and 675 people entered, I signed up the Elite group which only had 21 people in it because there were only 20 people of such high caliber and me-an idiot who did not know what open meant. So-I am 19th to start in the swim out of 675...which meant that while the 20 ELITE triathletes and one idiot were in the water swimming--654 people were WATCHING us pressure, swimming without a shirt on and major body pressure at all!! So, 5 people in the Open did not show up--WOOHOO I just moved up 5 spots in my category, I can rationalize that into a HUGE VICTORY in the swim. Its a 400 meter swim, 8 laps....and I do not swim. So, after 1 lap I am tired, 2 laps I am exhausted, 3rd lap I walk alittle, 4th I am walking and thinking 654 people are now feeling REALLY sorry for me or laughing saying "I bet he did not know the open was for the elite"....5th lap I stopped caring and started worrying about drowning in a 5 ft pool, 6th lap I just plain ol walked and people from another category which started behind the elite group started passing me, by the 8th lap I just walked the whole way to the ladder. I get out, shirtless, in front of 654 very sympathetic souls but the kind of sympathy where nobody wants to look you in the eye sympathy!! But-I finished and that part was done...
I run into the transition area, flab blubbering away as I run down, FLASH the official photographer takes my picture.....PROBABLY NOT going to buy that one I thought as my stomach flaps up and hits me in the face....
I get to my wet bike and gear and put on a shirt (thank goodness), socks, helmet, gloves and bike shoes and head off. I am maybe 1/2 mile before I realize my gloves feel weird (I put them on the wrong hands) but its too late now. I head out in the rain and feel pretty good-especially with the swim behind me. About 4 miles out I see a triathlete on the side of the road with a blown tire. I give him my spare hoping good karma will now come my way, and finish the bike ride. 15 miles, I averaged 16 miles/hour..good time. Easy ride, no problems. I head back to transition to start the run
I switch sneakers but continue to wear my wet socks because I didn't think to bring 2 pairs. I head out on my run and it is difficult. My leg muscles are still in biking mode and I am in running I waddle for about 1/2 mile and find my groove and breathing. Life is getting better., I see an end to this. The rain has stopped, I am feeling good until this 12 yr old kid runs past me. He was 112th to start and now he is passing I think "How much trouble would I actually get in if I pushed the little sh** into the woods next to us.....GOTTA THINK GOOD be it. I rationalize it away. Its then I realize rationalization is a HUGE powerful tool in getting thru life sometimes, and I do it WELL. The run gets better, I start to speed up, finding my step, and 3.2 miles later...FINISH LINE!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH I am now a "triathlete" and I can get one of those really cool bumper stickers for my car (seriously-my first thought as I crossed the line).
I saw people of every age, every fitness level, every body shape there today. The 400Meter swim was hard, the 15 mile bike ride is not bad with the right bike, and the run (I saw alot of people walking)....definitely worth the experience, definitely do-able for really anyone who wants to try.
Thank you for letting me share my first triathlon report with y'all.
First it was Sun morning in Greenville SC and according to the weather website only a 10% chance of rain....well the 10% took and it rained/lightening/thundered all the way to the start of the triathlon. My bike, clothes, gloves, etc...soaked. NOT a good start. Anyways-on with the report
I did my first triathlon!! I signed up for the "Open" category because I thought OPEN meant novice/amateur/virgin to triathlons......NOPE. Open is another word for "Elite". Out of 12 different categories, and 675 people entered, I signed up the Elite group which only had 21 people in it because there were only 20 people of such high caliber and me-an idiot who did not know what open meant. So-I am 19th to start in the swim out of 675...which meant that while the 20 ELITE triathletes and one idiot were in the water swimming--654 people were WATCHING us pressure, swimming without a shirt on and major body pressure at all!! So, 5 people in the Open did not show up--WOOHOO I just moved up 5 spots in my category, I can rationalize that into a HUGE VICTORY in the swim. Its a 400 meter swim, 8 laps....and I do not swim. So, after 1 lap I am tired, 2 laps I am exhausted, 3rd lap I walk alittle, 4th I am walking and thinking 654 people are now feeling REALLY sorry for me or laughing saying "I bet he did not know the open was for the elite"....5th lap I stopped caring and started worrying about drowning in a 5 ft pool, 6th lap I just plain ol walked and people from another category which started behind the elite group started passing me, by the 8th lap I just walked the whole way to the ladder. I get out, shirtless, in front of 654 very sympathetic souls but the kind of sympathy where nobody wants to look you in the eye sympathy!! But-I finished and that part was done...
I run into the transition area, flab blubbering away as I run down, FLASH the official photographer takes my picture.....PROBABLY NOT going to buy that one I thought as my stomach flaps up and hits me in the face....
I get to my wet bike and gear and put on a shirt (thank goodness), socks, helmet, gloves and bike shoes and head off. I am maybe 1/2 mile before I realize my gloves feel weird (I put them on the wrong hands) but its too late now. I head out in the rain and feel pretty good-especially with the swim behind me. About 4 miles out I see a triathlete on the side of the road with a blown tire. I give him my spare hoping good karma will now come my way, and finish the bike ride. 15 miles, I averaged 16 miles/hour..good time. Easy ride, no problems. I head back to transition to start the run
I switch sneakers but continue to wear my wet socks because I didn't think to bring 2 pairs. I head out on my run and it is difficult. My leg muscles are still in biking mode and I am in running I waddle for about 1/2 mile and find my groove and breathing. Life is getting better., I see an end to this. The rain has stopped, I am feeling good until this 12 yr old kid runs past me. He was 112th to start and now he is passing I think "How much trouble would I actually get in if I pushed the little sh** into the woods next to us.....GOTTA THINK GOOD be it. I rationalize it away. Its then I realize rationalization is a HUGE powerful tool in getting thru life sometimes, and I do it WELL. The run gets better, I start to speed up, finding my step, and 3.2 miles later...FINISH LINE!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH I am now a "triathlete" and I can get one of those really cool bumper stickers for my car (seriously-my first thought as I crossed the line).
I saw people of every age, every fitness level, every body shape there today. The 400Meter swim was hard, the 15 mile bike ride is not bad with the right bike, and the run (I saw alot of people walking)....definitely worth the experience, definitely do-able for really anyone who wants to try.
Thank you for letting me share my first triathlon report with y'all.
The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.....John Bingham aka The Penguin
Wow, Chris...I'm impressed! I just had lap-band on Monday and was dreaming of running in a 3 mile race next April. You inspire me. Don't feel too bad about the 12 yr old...and just why wasn't he at the beginning of the pack? Everyone knows they never tire...LOL. Years ago I ran/walked a 3 mile race in Cleveland Park (women on the run) and my hubby was yelling "Beat the stroller"! The photograher caught me just as I crossed the finish line one long stride ahead of the Mom with the baby stroller:-)
I'm really looking forward to running again!
Congrats on a very tough competition. "Ironman" next on your list?
I'm really looking forward to running again!
Congrats on a very tough competition. "Ironman" next on your list?
I work at Clemson University and each Spring our President Barker and his wife lead a 3 K race to raise money for the library. It's actually a fairly easy run (at least for people who are slightly in shape) or so I hear. They even have team competitions. Now, wouldn't that be fun??? We could have an upstate weight loss team!
I returned to work this morning and I have a good friend who competes in the same race you did this weekend but he said he "forgot" to sign up this year:-) He was laughing when I told him about your division. He remembered the pool being way longer than any swimming pool he had ever seen. Bet you would easily agree with that assessment
I returned to work this morning and I have a good friend who competes in the same race you did this weekend but he said he "forgot" to sign up this year:-) He was laughing when I told him about your division. He remembered the pool being way longer than any swimming pool he had ever seen. Bet you would easily agree with that assessment

Thanks Ron--I follow this guys philosophy John Bingham---the "Penguin". His whole philosophy on running (or biking or anything) is
Thats it. Doesn't matter how long or how fast--that all increases with time, just get moving and pressure on the rest. I like that philosophy, he says if it too hard, and you don't have alot of enjoyment doing it, you'll soon find yourself not doing it....find what you like and start-enjoy-finish
Seems pretty simple. Good luck on your endeavors!!
Thats it. Doesn't matter how long or how fast--that all increases with time, just get moving and pressure on the rest. I like that philosophy, he says if it too hard, and you don't have alot of enjoyment doing it, you'll soon find yourself not doing it....find what you like and start-enjoy-finish
Seems pretty simple. Good luck on your endeavors!!