Great news!
Hi, guys!
I don't know if anyone remembers me, but I am a patient of Dr. Bour's. I had attended all of the support groups and had my appointment with Dr. Bour set for April 16th. Because of some pretty serious family issues I was forced to cancel the program and was opting to re-enroll this coming January.
My great news is that I was able to jump back on the wagon with Bariatric Solutions and have an appointment with Dr. Bour August 9th. Lacey helped me with all of the issues and I was able to basically skip the enrollment process and I don't have to attend anymore support sessions, even though I want too and feel that it would be beneficial to my success. She said I can continue coming to them, but they were not necessary.
I am so happy with this. Without getting into a lot of detail, I've had a pretty tough time with my son lately and since I've been here last, I sold my home of 17 years...this has taken a serious tole on my emotions and I've been so heart broken over it. I put it on the market, and it was only listed for 6 weeks before it sold. I guess I should be thankful it sold quickly with the housing market the way it is right now, but I guess I didn't expect it to sell so fast and I didn't have time to prepare to "let go". Does that make sense?
Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm back for now and hopefully nothing will get in the way this time around. It's time I did something for me...I need a break in life.
Take care!
Hi Wanda, I am Diane and I am from Seneca, S.C. It is great to have you back. Wishing you the best.
It is good to see someone that is in my area.
My home e-mail is [email protected] Diane