An exciting step to head to SC
Well keep your fingers crossed , I put in alot of applications and today I got my first call!!!! I am thinking before long I will be talking funny and likin grits...heheheh ... I will still say the sounds of a women saying hi sweetie in a southern voice still melts me..... anyway I am going to make an quick trip down next Friday to go do the interview so we will see how this all falls into place...... Anybody wanna meet up with Dianne and i for dinnner on Friday let me know..... love to meet some of you nice folks.....
I am glad to see summer is moving forward here in Ky i love the 80 degree days and the 50 degree nights...... I have been wearing out the convertable......
So what else is exciting going on everyones life? Anybody got aning fun and excited planned this week?
Me Nadda I got to get back to the gym..... Im kickin my a$$ for not going back in a week.... I started to do the scale this morning and kicked it under the desk....grrrrrr.... next week i will get back on it......
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All right!! GET IT RIGHT!!! It's "Hey" sweetie never "Hi" sweetie!!!
Glad to hear things are moving right along for you!! I would love to meet up with yall but I'm just 13 days out from plastics and moving kinda slow but we will def. set something up for a little later!!!
Hey did you make Hotlanta reservations yet??? I can't wait!!!
Talk to you later gator!!!

Hey did you make Hotlanta reservations yet??? I can't wait!!!
Talk to you later gator!!!

Kimmayyyyyyy is down 160lbs and is "supercalifriggnlipstickexpialalushus"
~*~KAFC ~*~

~*~KAFC ~*~

Hey you had know idea you had plastics,,,, but congrats...... You feelin okay? I am so happy for you.... now if i could get rid of another 50 lbs and then id get my gut and man boobies wacked off.....
As far as Atlanta yea we will be there for sure I will be booked by Monday.... I cant wait either i need another vacation..... Talk to ya later swwweeetie lol I been practicing...
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