Day 3 of the Pouch Diet

thats awesome mary!! I'm using the excuse of a horrible cold as my reason not to get back to basics.. lol.. so far its been working.. but i really need to buckle down and watch what i'm eating better! im proud of you! 5.5 lbs is ALOT for us now!!
(remember how dissappointing it was at first "i only lost 5.5 lbs this week" I MISS THOSE DAYS! LOL) keep up the good work you two!

Thanks Jen,
I definately miss those days. But remember how after you lost your first fifty we thought we looked SO hot. Now I see those pictures, I guess I did look hotter....
I've been stress eating and gained 10 pounds. But things are better. We found wonderful adoptive parents for my stepdaughter's baby. They live in Nashville and are unable to have children. They went through all of the IVF stuff. They are very positive about an open adoption and have said that we will be considered grandparent's cause that's what we are. That's what I wanted. I couldn't stand the thought of losing Scott's half brother.
And my stepdaughter is 2.5 cm dilated and almost completely hopefully we will have him soon.
So stress is down, weight is going down, and life is better. How are you?
THAT IS SO GREAT !!tell me how it is when it is all over lol ,I tried it but at the end of the day I eat I was so hungry ,so needless to say I did not stick to it but I got to set my mind to it ,maybe I will do it next week some time i,t is just hard running after 4& 5 year olds all day I am wore out & hungry lol yes I work with head start pre school & next week we have 2 feild trips so maye in the middle of the week I will start ,but I am so happy for you keep it up