Happy Tuesday!!
Hi, guys!! Its been a while since posting...just living life, yanno? My husband and I went to Disney recently WITHOUT the kids!! It was so wonderful to fly withhout a seat belt extender!! And to be out in the heat and NOT be miserable!! We had a blast, it was like a second honeymoon for us..i have added some pics to my album. My weight loss is at a screeching halt. Had my 7 month appointment . I have some issues with Dr Bours office....minor ones, but still...anyway, saw 2 brand new doctors at my appointment, did not see dr bour...but anyway, i am ahead of the curve. i am 23 lbs from goal, but have not lost any weight in a few months. I did start walking and even JOGGING!! a few weeks before disney and lost 2 lbs...but thats been it so far and i have not been working out since being back from my trip. Still i am so happy with my decision. Everyone out there who is about to have surgery or just had it, TAKE HEED their advice about the 6 month after surgery 'honeymoon phase'....get in your excerise then and enjoy that ride....at 7 months, my weight loss came to a screeching STOP. Also, i have yet to have an appointment with a psychologist. EVER. I had my first one over a year ago when you have to take the crazy test for dr bour....when it was that older gentleman. Never got to see Dr Armstrong for a one on one and still have yet to see Dr Calhoun. the earliest I can see her is Mid May!! And, I have started bingeing....and not sure why except that the old demons are finally back?? I dunno...my husband has even mentioned he has noticed i am snacking alot when i shouldnt be. So at least i have recognized the problem!! Anyway, just wanted to say hello to everyone. Like i said, its been a while since i have posted but i have been lurking LOL!!! Miss you guys and i look forward to getting back to group on tuesday nights, after my sons baseball games are over, he plays on tuesday nights. Although, i am not sure many of you still go???
Love to all of you!!

Jen, you sexy thang!
Thanks for the heads up, I learned a long time ago that various people from the office lurk from time to time, and it doesnt really bother me. I still love dr bours team and will definately bring up the fact to them that it has been disappointing that i havent been able to get in sooner And thanks for the comments!!

Oh, Don't get me wrong!! LOL I love dr. bour.. he is a GREAT doctor.
my problem is that if someone is going to take the time to lurk that is of that profession, why not join and help those in need ? thats all !
kind of like the plastic surgery board, Dr. LaMonoco from TX That is on Big Medicine actually posts on the plastics board and answers questions etc.. Very helpful!
