T-Minus 30 hrs & Counting!!!
Well guys, I'm coming down to the home strech
Wednesday morining I'll be in the OR getting my WLS. I had my IVC filter put in last Friday with absolutely no problems. But as each hour goes by, I'm getting just a little more jittery. Thank heavens that I've still got a bunch to do at work and at church to keep my mind off of it. I'm taking my PC with me to the hospital and I'll try to do some kind of post while I'm there. See you guys later on the "loosing side".

You did not tell me it was Wednesday. Make sure Ruby tells Dad where you will be so I can come and visit and we can finally met in person.
Congrats on the date!
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
To be honest , I was either too tired or drugged up to get online, I had a messed up back that happened 2 weeks before the RNY & it was having spasm's & i was hurting worse from that than the surgery So ya never know!! Good Luck too you Both, it no time at all, you will look and feel like a different people !! It still amazes me that people i have known all my life but havent seen in awhile dont even know me at 1st . Allen