Post Surgery Vitamins?
Jess, I take OptiSource chewable, You will have 4 classes before your surgery and they will give you the options. Michelle hands out leaflets and tells you all about each option. I just find it easier to have 1 chewable 4 times a day they taste kinda like a baby aspirin. Not to bad. I just space them out . hope this helps
If you didn't have mixed emotions I'd say something was wrong. Everyone does, I sure did even after the surgery. I have a few days that I actually moarned the Fat Girl I would be losing, Then I realized that I was gonna love the slimmer me even more, and if everyone else didn't oh well, Hang in there Jess, This is the biggest journey you will ever go on! A real roller coaster ride! But it's worth it in the end.
I'm 18 months out and still use Optisource chewables. They have everything you need in them and they taste great, a sweet orange/citrus taste. I would reccomend them over childrens chewables that you have to take additional calcium and B12, so the cost adds up having to buy at least three things. Good luck with your surgery, everything will work out for you and you won't regret having it done.
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett