Here's a funny moment......
This part isn't the funny part. Sunday I had nausea all day long. I felt like I was dying.
I felt alot better so I decides to go out side for a little walk and call my dog. Well, there was a buzzard standing in the road and one in the tree looking at me. I tried to shu them off and I was telling them No, I'M NOT DEAD YET go away. Then I had to look and see if the neighbors were outside. No, thank goodness. I just had to laugh at myself on that one. I know I need a visit with Dr. Calhoun.
Teresa M.

That's funny, Teresa! I also had a funny moment with a bird Sunday, except thatit was a very large Crow. It was in a tree in my neighbor's yard and was carrying on like crazy. I thought it was because I was in the yard. But when I looked a little closer, a cat was in the same tree with the Crow and I know now that was the reason it was acting the way it was.
My husband always told me that with Crow' will set up higher than the others to be a lookout for the rest on the ground and alert them when there's trouble.
Anyway, glad you are doing ok.