im laughing on the inside.. honestly..
its all i can do to prevent going nuts right now LOL!
any advice is greatly appreciated here..
ive been taking Keflex since the "bust" happened 3 days ago.. 500 mg every 6 hours(as close to that as possible).. and yesterday i started itching on my inner thighs.. well i found last night that they were welped up like when u get bit multiple times by an ant or something, on both sides.. rob said "ur thighs were rubbing together" i said "nope not that" .. he was trying to think of an explanation.. but there wasn't one.. then it started.. my hands started itching so freaking badly i feel like i have the plague!!! i didnt go to sleep till 1 from itching and now im up again at 6 from itching.. they feel slightly swollen and itchy! is this an allergic reaction to the keflex you think??? i assume i should stop taking it and try to call a nurse on call or whatever.. what good antibiotic is a good substitute for "preventative antibiotics"?? Mary?? anyone?? LOL HELP!!!
-the whiney one
p.s. for all u newbies who don't know me.. im NEVER This wimpy!!! LOL

well i just got off the phone with another doc who is covering for my doc while he is out of town, he said it sounds like i had an allergic reaction to keflex and to stop taking it, take benadryl and he is calling me in cipro to take instead.. crazy thing is i have taken keflex before and nothing happened.. but he said u can develop an allergy to something like.. scary!
-the itchy one lol
I haven't posted much on the SC board. I had my surgery back in August and sort of hang out on the August board, but I have been coming over regulary to check on your progress.
I wanted to thank you for being so honest and brave and sharing everything you're going through. Vent away! I can't imagine how you're coping.
I noticed in the previous post that someone recommended this and I couldn't agree more.......honey get some Xanax!
This is horrible. You're itchy and in pain and crying and exhausted and you need to rest more than anything else. Get some Xanax! Call your doctor on Monday and ask for some. It will help you rest, help you sleep, help you be still..........
You need a mental and physical break. It's not like you'll have to take it forever but it's just painful reading you going through this and the only thing I can honestly think of that will help you is lots and lots of rest!
I'm praying for you.
WOW Jen, so sorry you are going through this. Hope you are feeling better soon. This PS stuff is the pits. Dollie and I still have holes in us. I have 3 and she has 2. Mine got infected majorly. the doc was very proactive with hers because of it so she hasn't had the infection to deal with thank goodness. We have vowed to never let the doc touch us again.....
Just take it easy Jen, you need to take care of yourself first so you will be able to take care of your family.

Jen I can't believe your being this whiney. Most people would just bru**** off and get on with it, hell whats a few holes, itching, and pain, suck it up girl, Jk, lmao. Do you honestly think no one else would be whinning? Hell, your probably doing better than I would be considering what your going through. I say whine on, that's what we are here for, to listen and to help if we can. I am just now reading your post, so I see you already got help from a doctor. Make sure you don't take Keflex again, the reaction could be worse next time. I have had the same thing happen with penicliin, I took it all my life then suddenly it started causing hives. Hopefully they will give you something else, you need something if your incisions opened up to keep them from getting infected. Hope you're doing better today. I would tell you it gets better everyday, but it doesn't sound like this is something you would believe right now, lol. So I will just say.......... I hope it starts getting better real soon and I will be praying for you. Take care sweetie.
Love Ya! Mary
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett