Thanks yall!
thank God for my kolonopin to calm my nerves.. i feel alot better after seeing Dr. plastics' nurse, dr. plastic is in Spain running a marathon! Who woulda thought?!!? hes really old! thats awesome.. but anyways... so evidently my body is spitting out some internal stitches here and there.. youll see one poke up out of my skin or incision and it looks pretty weird, plastic and weird.. the incision on the left where he put 1 stitch the other day for good measure was also trying to pop open..thank God he did that or it would of been like the other busted open.. she went ahead and put in another 4-5 stitches to hold me in place.. she also clipped out all the internal stitches that were coming out across my stomach.. just a few .. didnt hurt. .my belly button she cleaned it out with peroxide and put neosporin in it and covered it up, gave me some of the stuff to take home and do it once a day . thank God its still numb and i didn't feel any of that but pulling .. she said it didnt look infected but did have an opening where it opened when i got out of my moms car the other day, and would heal in the next week or two.. she placed steri-strips over ALL of my stoma*****ision. ALOT of them LOL .. at least i feel like im not going to fall apart now. she said the belly button being open was best since it was draining some, its better to drain out than to close it up in there. she told me to take it easy, go get dinner with my family if i feel up to it, just dont be lifting and trying to clean house or do anything to exert myself.. no prob there
i told her how the day i busted open i was wearing my binder a couple inches tighter that day and she said that might of made the fluid on the inside have nowhere to go and it found a way out by coming out the incision that was weak.. makes sense. plus the blue jeans didnt help any at all.. since it made it tighter.. dont let this scare yall away from plastics.. i think a couple of factors came into play here and it didnt help my situation out.. others usually dont have any of these problems.. leave it to me
lol .. but thank yall for the prayers /thoughts i appreciate it.. and as someone else said "This too shall pass" .. i just hope it passes before march 29th when we are supposed to go on the cruise ack!!!! love yall!

dude i just had a flash back that you called me after my surgery !!! lmao.. blame the oxycodone for not calling you back.. i forgot about it until now, u did call didnt u?!? LOL. or was i dreaming that u said u would ask to feel em?! lmao! and yes i can be dubbed frankenstein lol.. i asked the nurse if we should wait longer to remove these stitches and she said it would "look better" scar wise if they came out earlier, and i said "i just wanna stay together im not worried about vanity!" LOL and damn what was wrong with ur cruise? that sucks. .where did yall go? what cruiseline? miss u girlie!!!