had a set back..
soo i had a set back today.. got my drains out yesterday and stitches out around my boobs.. then today i was having a good day until about 4.. i went to go to the bathroom at work and my jeans were wet around the band on my hip, i looked at it was covered in blood. under my binder i looked and my incision on my hip had busted open and i didnt know it.. it was awful! blood was spurting out with my heart beat.., i called the surgeon and he said apply pressure and come now.. so i had to go to gville to get it fixed . by the time i got down there it had grown to 3 inches long an inch wide and you could see inside and all my internal stitches.. i was so scared :( he numbed me with an injection and restitched me with 2 diff stitches, and on the other side it was seperating so he stitched me there to for good measure. i hope its going to be okay now. he said it was some "Freak' thing that happened. so now im home with my feet propped up resting.. he said i could ressume normal activities tomorrow, but i think im going to wait a couple of days to do much. *sigh* its been a stressful day .. whats so bad is that area of the incision looked PERFECT like it was completely healed. and then it did that. so now i dont know what incisions to trust .. im wanting to lay perfectly still and not move now lol i am so freaked out!
** Added pics of it on my profile.. **
Thanks Tanya! it was a reminder that i had major surgery not even 10 days ago and i need to slow down! he said it wasnt anything i did, but im always hard on myself and blame myself for doing to much.. when he restitched me rob said he was soo good at it.. i said 'thats why hes a plastic surgeon' lol.. i didnt look at it until they stitched me up after it ripped open more i was scared i would pass out if i looked lol..
girl you need to take it easy & wearing jeans wow I could not do that for about a month please dnt over do it & enjoy the rest ,let hubby pamper you lol & best of luck just dnt bend or lay straight you know I still can not lay straight out now & it has been 9 months for me ,TAKE IT EASY THAT IS A ORDER LOL

Did he not make you wear a binder or surgical girdle? I had to wear one for the first month and believe me it made a world of difference in how my tummy felt. There is a lot of stress on that area, with bending and sitting, so it's no wonder it spilt open. I also had all internal stitches so II don't know if that makes a difference or not. Try getting some kind of support for that area and see if it helps. Hope it gets better soon, it looks painful.
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
yes i wear my binder 24/7 .. it was over the area and the blood sept through it , through my panties, and through my jeans. .it was actually doubled in that area around me.. i never take it off but to shower and to wa**** while im laying down for 30 min.. i also had tons of internal stitches, they were all hanging out of the gash before he took them out and redid it all in that spot. it was my dumbass fault for wearing jeans thinking that the 'extra' compression would help , not thinking that the tightness on my thighs would pull my skin down and seperate it.. im a moron, not my doctor he is great.
hugs, jen
LOL! I wouldn't say your a moron at all. You are like me, in a hurry to feel normal again. I put jeans on ONCE, the 2nd week, and learned my lesson when I had that horrible muscle spasm, I found out real fast that it wasn't going to work. Plus it was the first time that I went out after surgery and thought it would be OK to Wal-Mart marathon shop. It only took that one time for me, never again. Any way, I hope you get over it real quick and start to feel better. Keep us informed and behave yourself from now on, lol.
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett