Catfish Stew???
I was working at the district men's fish fry at our church (yes, I did nibble a little), and they had catfish stew. My wife makes great catfish stew. I started thinking about it, and it's not all that bad (catfish, a few potatoes, and ketchup). That got me thinking... everything in catfish stew would be ok for WLS patients with the exception of ketchup. Here's my question... does anyone know of a good substitute for ketchup (i.e. no sugar)? I think a WLS recipe for catfish stew would be good for us southerners. Any suggestions?
They do sell Low carb Ketchup which is low sugar or no sugar.. you can find them at walmart or any store really.. here is a few links I found.. Low-Carb.htm

Life is too short for drama & petty things, Break the rules! so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, Love truly, forgive quickly and never regret anything that made you smile.