#(&%(# Hemerrhoid! Warning: Graphic
yall. im so blah tonight. like i said before.. after my surgery i discovered that i had a 4th degree hemerrhoid sticking out my butt. (tmi i know) . Even after 2 natural child births, weighing 320 lbs, and too many surgeries to name i have NEVER EVER had a roid. then i come out of this surgery with an AWFUL one.. it is a goal just to pass gas. It takes my breath away, wakes me up at night from my intestines spasming around it.. it has gotten alot worse today. i made DH look at it against his will, since i cant crunch to look (just had tt) and he said it is blue.. i can feel it of course while wiping and its a biggg bubble.. just hanging out. i have taken and pushed it in, only for it to come right back out with a vengence. yall im in tears. Dr. "hernia" said that he had "Strained " me in the operating room to try to get my hernia to pop out. This has got to be what caused this dont you think!? But when i asked "Dr plastics" what he did to me, he said "he couldnt strain you, you were paralyzed, he was pressing all around your abdomin" Which could of also done this. .but DAMN YALL IT HURTS SO BAD, WORSE THAN MY Tummy tuck with No pain meds! it makes me want to call Dr Hernia and be like WTF DID YOU DO!!!!??? im so embarrassed and in so much pain. .since its so hard to pass gas past it i have to strain to do that, which in turn makes it worse. its never ending!!!
anyone else have this when you woke up from surgery!??! HELP

Ok I am about to share my roid stories, I have had 3, yep 3!
The last one was the worst so I feel your pain, nothing worked, I had it for over 2 weeks before my PCP sent me to a specialist who told me it was healing and will be gone in another 2 weeks. He left the office, I cried, I was in so much pain. With the others I never had to use a donut, but I got one for that one, send DH to drug store and get one! When the Dr came back into the room and saw me crying he was like "it hurts that bad" I was like YES!!! So he cut it out, thank god, it was instant relief. My advice, dont try and pu**** back in, you could scratch it and it will start bleeding, if it has not already, so be careful. Talk to your PCP and get stronger meds to treat it if you have not already. Get the donut. Start getting in more fiber and take a stool softener, if you are not already. Do the epson salt bath, if you can.
I got mine from straining when I
. I know it hurts and it is literally a pain in the arse! Hang in there.
Sorry for adding to the graphic nature of the post.

I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Hi Jen
sorry you're having problems with the roid, but here's what the docs told my hubby to do that helped him alot...
they told him to buy some tucks pads and just place it where the roid is and leave it there but to keep changing it out when it gets all dried out (the pad not roid) and he said he helped him alot... it helped shrink the roid and it's almost healed up and moved back inside... also do not use dry toliet paper to wipe with. use baby wipes instead this helps also...
I hope you get to feeling better soon sweetie