Charleston place to stay...
I have a new interest in my life (a guy I graduated HS with). So far things are going wonderful. HE lives in Prosperity where I will be moving in a few months. He is taking off a couple of day of my spring break and we are wanting to visit Charleston. Looking online the prices are rather high during that time of the year. April 3-5. Anyone have a place we could rent or a less expensive place. As much as I would love to stay downtown, don't think we could afford it. We both love to party so having somewhere to walk might be a good idea. ALthough, he would get me anywhere I wanted to go.....I know....awwwww......I am so happy. He just feels right....nothing has felt this right in years......Just looking for some suggestions.
"This learning to live killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks

I actually started looking at different websites also, and I think the cheapest I found was about $68/night. I'm not sure if you would find anything cheaper than that with out having to stay so far away from downtown. There aren't too many in the downtown area that aren't expensive. The only suggestion I have is to either stay further north or stay with a friend. Good Luck with the search!! Misha
Hi Rachel....glad you are doing good and found a new sweetheart. Just know that you have to find yourself and know you would be okay by yourself befoe jumping into can say yes mamma Seriously, even though I have had a bit of a whirlwind romance, I was by myself for a year and 1/2 before I met Jerry. I was quite content being by myself and really wasn't looking for a just kinda happened. Okay, you can say yes mamma
As for a place to stay, DT Charleston is pricey any way you look at it. I will ask around and see if anyone has some ideas....take care!
look at (vacation rental by owner. I know there are a few places downtown