Anyone take any other vitamin (other than optisource and cheaper) that seems to work as well. I was thinking of trying just a women's multi vitamin or a senior vitamin because they seem to have more stuff in them....just wondering....
"This learning to live killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks

Hey Angela,
First of all miss ya! I had to work late last meeting- I had planned on coming sorry I missed ya. Wow the difference in vitamin cost is great. I may switch to that as well from optisource. Which calcium supplement do you take and where do you get it? Talk soon have a great weekend.
Love ya sister,
I take the multi-vitamin gel capsule from GNC. 2 a day. It is about $17.00 for a bottle that lasts 2 months, so not too bad. I have problems with calcium from other medical issues and my endo says Citrical Plus (w/magnesium and Vitamin D added) is the best. I think it is $12 for a bottle. I have to take 6 a day, but the usual dose is 2 a day, so the bottle would also last a couple of months. Hope this helps.
How are things going for you Rachel? I have been kinda out of it and haven't had a chance to check out all the posts/board the last few weeks.