1 Year Checkup
All my bloodtests were right where there supposed to be or better YIPPEEE -
Onward to the PS consult and trying to get insurance approval I want to put the girls back where they belong. (HOPEFULLY) and tighten up the tummy. (keep your fingers crossed)
Back to work I go - HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!!!

yay!!! im so happy for you!!! im going today and going to get fussed at im sure.. My b-12 was sooo low and my ferritin was 7! eek. my regular doc started me on b-12 shots i have to give myself weekly now and extra iron supplements.. I tell ya.. my body still wont catch up from missing my vitamins early on.. and then getting slack on them the past couple of months didnt help.. youd think if i could gain 5 lbs i was absorbing? LOL My logic is skewed on that i guess! LOL.. im so glad you are doing great and good luck with the PS! i love dr. bishop he is who im going with feb 18th :) My bday.. ack. see you soon hopefully!!!