update on myself and Gabriel
We still haven't been to court about getting Gabriel. The holidays kinda shut that down. Well his bio mom has been harrassing me so she called and threatened me on my answering machine. i took it ot the police and her probation oficer. They arrested her. i have to go and prove this on monday the 28 and i am ready. She was charged with 1 count of unlawful use of a telephone. My lawyer will be there too. I am also due in family court to ask for a restraining order on this Tuesday. We have our guardian but she is not ready and then we have to have a home inspection because we are no blood relations. The bio moms attorney called my attorney and asked if we had a different address for her because everything was being returned and she was not getting in touch with him. Her attorney told my attorney he sees no way she will win any type of custody. I believe the same. The bio dad called and said she called him and sounded messed up on drugs or alcohol. She said she wanted him to raise him not us. He told her Gabriel is better off with us.
I am in school full time. I am taking 4 classes. All are pretty simple except anatomy. It is so hard. I just wanna give up but refuse too. I have to move forward. I have trouble retaining what i am studying. I am going to a class on study skills the 31st. I am also going to get a tutor.
My oldest daughter still does not let me see my granddaughter alone. For crazy reason. She is due with another baby in Feb. Her and her husband are getting a divorce. She is still in the home. its a long story. If you wanna know the whole story call me..803-274-8671..its to complicated. My son is here from Cali. He lives there with his dad since he graduated. He was here 4 days before he even contacted me. My Ashley has changed. She is 17 and went from responsible to un reliable. Maybe it is a phase. She thinks her **** dont stink and cares more about herself than anyone. My step son is gay I am sure i told you all this but he is laying around my house kssing and hugging his boyfriend and I do not like it just like I would not like it if my daughters did the same with their boyfriends. So his dad is going to speak to him about this. He also bought a trangula..its a spider...I think I spelled it wrong. It is hairy and scarey. I fear for my life..haha...spookey little fellow. Manda is at John De La Howe school but she is not doing better. She is on home stay with moderate bacterial pnemonia. She is so mean sometimes. Gabriel is doing great. We took him to Columbia tonight to the circus. He loved it. He slept all the way home. Did I tell you his fav sandwich consist of 2 slices of bread with grape jelly, peanut butter, and miracle whip and sometimes sliced pickles. and he eats cereal like crazy and drinks like a fish and only wants pizza rolls for dinner....The kid is weird with his eating habits..He makes my day. He keeps me laughing. He told me tonight that he is moving out and getting married to Ashley. thats my daughter..He loves her to death . She is 12 years older than him and his sister...but he loves her anyway..
Me and Scott are great. I dont see much of him. He works at night and I go to school in the day.
I am down 120 lbs and stalled. I need time to exercise and need to watch my carbs..I want to get down to Dr. Brynes goal of 170 but I see him for my one year anniversary this Feb. Maybe I can lose 10..Dont know..I feel like I can eat anything and want to eat all the time...Esp when I worry which is all the time. I wanna eat eat eat....I also get a yeast infection with every period and I am sick of it...I have one now..it is terrible..what should I do to stop these things. Maybe its the starches or something. I dont know...
Well I hope everyone is doing well. I do not get on here much to busy with life and school...Anatomy is a killer...But I want to be a nurse so this I must pass.
Love to all and will let you know how the court case goes for gabriel and the one on the 28th when I get her found guilty . Then she has her probation officer to go through. Because that will violate her probation and may send her to jail for 6 years...Oh well , Love to all , Jennifer
Boy, now that was an update, LOL. Stay with the school thing and keep trying. I have to work night shift and can't afford to go to school. I don't know what I would like to do anyway, LOL. I have 2 in college now. We did good when we went to court and I will keep praying for you. I know your going thru a lot but hang in. The carbs are the killers huh? I didn't realize I had a carb problem until here lately. I also heard that the more you eat them the more you want them, so ward them off.
My daughter is 18 and has now showed her ugly side, LOL. Maybe it is the age, I don't know. I hope we make it thru this, LOL.
I will keep you in my prayers and god bless.
Tammy P.
saying big prayers for you & will have my church also kepp your family in prayers ,my teenager he will be 16 Feb 1 hard to belive so far knock on wood he has not been any troube maybe if we keep in church & it will be ok ,thinking about you & best of luck in court God knows best put it in his hands & he will be there might not be in your time frame but it will be in his time frame have faith that is the KEY ,hugs Becky
I'm so slack for having not called or emailed you. I think about you all the time.
I have had to put Seth out too....AGAIN!!! This time it's for good. Some things have put our lives in danger, and the stress is aweful. For the second time he has put his hands on Trent trying to get Trent to hit him. Trent would hurt Seth so bad, and I think Seth wants him to go to jail. Trent is much smarter than that.
I get so scared at night not knowing what he's doing. He never makes the smartest choices. We got him a lawyer for the last stupid stuff he did that he goes back to court for March 3rd. $3500.00 down the tolet.
Tally is doing great. Playing hockey for Summerville High School and also playing for the Carolina Ice Palace house league. He has been working a part time job and doing great in school. His work got slow for the Winter and they temporary laid him off. I'm glad, at 14 he had alot going on.
My mom has been real sick, in and out of the hospital. I stay with her when she is in there, at night too. I just go home to take a shower and go back. Sleeping in a chair (for what sleep you get in a hospital), kills my back. One of her kidneys have stopped working and the other is giving her a fit.
Speaking of my back. I'm in soooo much pain. I got shots in it last month that took me a week to get over with . That hurt more than the back pain. I go tomorrow to get more. You know I'm looking forward to that.
I never get sick, but I think because I haven't slept much in a couple of weeks, my body was letting me know. (It's hard to sleep with the back pain, and then with my son slipping out at night, smoking pot and what ever he does and who ever he is with), I ended up at MUSC in pain, they think I passed a kidney stone. Then I got the flu. I never ever get that ole bug, but it has had me good. Everytime you think its going away, it jumps back on harder.
Then my sister had surgery so I have been trying to take care of her. I know, like I have all this free time. I figure the more I think about others issues, the less time I have to think about mine.
On a good note, we are buying a new house
. It's more than twice the size of our house now. I am so excited. It's brand new. They are finnishing it up and hopefully we will close on it Next Tuesday. We haven't figured out what we are going to do with our house now. I won't sell it until I get married.
I am so glad she violated her probation. It is a big thing when her lawyer and Gabes bio dad knows he is better off with you two. I am glad you are getting a restraining order against her. Remember, that restraining order won't stop her. My X had one on him when he tried to kill me and kidnapped my boys when they were babies.
Stupid people stay stupid. Her life will bite her in the butt.
Hopefully I will talk to you soon.
Love and miss you.