Positive(ly) Frustrat(ed)ion
I know - the title's sorta weird, but that's how I feel right now, so please bear with me while I vent (it's okay, Robin) -
I've hit a plateau (I think) over the last two weeks. No weight loss per se, absolutely no desire to exercise, & I want to eat everything in sight!!
At least I know I'm over that hurdle. I'm not eating anything bad or piggin' out, but I definitely have gotten my desire to eat back - and frankly folks - IT SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME!
I've lost 100+ pounds so far, I've got 130+ more to go to reach my personal goal of 150.
So I just need words of encouragement, discipline, or whatever you've got. I need to know I'm okay and as long as I'm careful, I won't gain the weight back, I'll keep losing, etc., etc., etc.
P.S. Did anyone run into the physical situation of being "SORE" all over?! No, it's not the flu, just constant muscle aches & pains...
P.P.S. Thank-you everyone for listening to me...
"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
--German Proverb

I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!