Great website
Hello eveyone!
I was "crusing" around some profiles and I found this "blog" web site - I just read all of January's notes/blogs and it was so good and perfect for me. Tonight at support group we talked about emotional eating and stress eating. When I read this blog..there are some comments that really hit home. I hope you'll take a look. Enjoy
I do not know this person..but I do know she works for OH. Her name is Cathy and she had the surgery as well.
Her blog website is:
Let me know what you think.

I am glad you liked it. I only read the January blogs...but it went along with what we discussed at group tonight. We all still deal with the emotional part of eating. You have to eat to substain's still an addiction. Surgery does not just FIX that. The way it was discussed at group was...other addiction you can "live" without (drugs, achohol, cigarettes.etc...) you do not need them to live (maynot feel like that sometimes!!) but everyone needs food! Our lives revolve around food.
We eat to celebrate...we eat at every special holidays...Easter, July 4th, Christmas, Thanksgiving...ect... I am only 2 months post op and I want to be able to know how to avoid certain pitfalls or at least have small pitfalls! lol Thanks for reading