I had to share this powerfully inspiring video with the world!
... and I'm not even in it!!!
I had nothing to do with it and have no financial interest in it.
It is just the most powerfully motivational short clip I've ever seen, so I put it on my blog! It's called
The 212 Movie 
To watch it, click here: www.embodysuccess.spaces.live.com
And after that, you can see my 2 5-min. video excerpts from my OH appearance in LA at the national conference a year ago: 
That about uses up my "15 minutes of fame..." 
Let me know what you think.
Oh! And happy new year, y'all! 
PS Still in my size 8 jeans!

Lauralyn Bellamy, MA, MDIV, ct Dreamcoach
Self-sabotage stopped!
Learn more at: embodysuccesscoach.com