My parents suck
now... I write this post knowing that you guys have NO idea that Sunday was bday... I turned 28. I felt pretty good about this birthday. I wasnt upset about creeping closer to 30 (and YES I understand that most people are older than me... and I mean NO disrepect about turning 30) But I have been trying to learn to embrace the FACT that 30 is coming up rather quickly and I felt good about 28. As my husband and I are sitting down at dinner, he says " I want to ask you something, its been bothering me all day... Have you heard from your parents today?" And I nonchalantly say "NOPE!" and then the more I thought about that the more it pissed me off. My own mother and father couldnt take 2 minutes outta their day to call me or text me a Happy Birthday wish. UGH!!! THEY SUCK!!!! sorry... just venting!!! Lesson of the day: BE BETTER PARENTS THAN CRYSTAL'S PARENTS!!!!
I turned 29 this year also.
Well, it's the 16th time I turned 29, but I am trying to embrase this turning 30 thing too. (Don't care if the birth certificate says 45
Look sweetie, my outlook on life is this is our world. It's up to ourselves to be happy. With all the so called family and friends that throw around the word LOVE so freely from the lips, and their actions say so much different, we have to accept that word carefully.
I'm sorry they did that. I hope your day is not based on them and you and your hubby celebrate YOU.