It does suck when an insurance company or employer can determine your future by excluding weight loss surgery. I don't get it at all, seems like they want people to have medical problems instead of being healthy. I guess that's what keeps them in business. If your employer has made any changes to your policy in this new year check it out and make sure that WLS was not added to it. I was lucky, the hospital system I work for had BC/BS of NC and it paid 100%. We just changed to United Health Care and I have no idea if it covers it or not. Thank god I had mine when I did, because I could not have afforded to pay out of pocket to get my life back. I wish you the best of luck with this and all I can tell you is, do not give up hope.
Happy New Year!
Jimmy Buffett
I can't believe another one's bitten the dust! My employer opted (as of 1/1/08) not to have the option of WLS thru CIGNA. So there's quite a few upset people where I work. I wish you could have heard Dr. Byrne at my last checkup! He had an associate from Columbia making rounds with him & he was highly upset that one more company was dropping the option for morbidly obese people to have this tool. EVEN MUSC EMPLOYEES CAN'T GET IT THRU THEIR INSURANCE! TALK ABOUT SUCKY!! Thank-you, I needed to vent a little too!
"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
--German Proverb