Hello everyone!!
I just wanted to pop in and say 'hey'...I miss everyone! I have been blocked at work
, and no computer at home at the moment
and I am having forum WITHDRAWLs (sp?!)
I am 1 mnth and 1 week out and I am soooooooooo stoked about the WHOLE thing!! I have lost 55 lbs and feeling great!! You all have been such inspiration for me, I want to thank you all! I have the best surgery sisters in the world!! I love ya Cathy and Angela!!
I hope to see you all tonight...
Sherry, you are BEAUTIFUL...
Love you all,

Now......wait a second......no I have the best surgery sisters in the world. THEY WILL ROCK YOUR SOCKS OFF!! Kudo's to Cathy and Deidre! lol :) Thanks for being my rock, support and encouragement the past few weeks. You are my dearest friends. I love ya'll! I have lost 53 lbs so far and feeling good. I am trying to look good too! ---One day at a time! This too shall pass....no stage in life is permanant (except death)..and then hopefully ...heaven! Till next time ......:0 Love "Angel" a