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thanks Susie... until a few days ago I really didn't see the ME in the mirror and I still feel and act as if I'm 240 pounds... I don't know what's in style anymore cause I've always bought clothes to cover up and hide in... and still I go towards that look tryiing to hide the hanging skin that used to be me...
my family doc says if they remove 20 pounds of skin that I have hanging on my tummy, boobs and arms and legs I'll do good to weigh in around 80 pounds soaking wet... I think I'll keep the skin... I would have to run around naked if I go that small....
Steph - it's hard not to listen to family when you think they mean well, but HONEY - you are a wonderful, beautiful woman! DON'T EVER LET ANYONE CONVINCE YOU OTHERWISE! You have fought hard & deserve to be smiling from ear-to-ear. PLEASE - PLEASE - PLEASE listen to your heart and know that "God don't made junk - and God made you!"
Smile, sweetie - we love you & we're very, very proud of you!
"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
--German Proverb