New Years Eve in Charleston??
I agree about the host of things going right. Right now I have put myself on going out restriction until after the first of the year. John and I are thinking about some pretty big decisions. I don'tknow where things will be with us in a few hours much less weeks. It's just so up there but keep me posted. Who knows? I may be single and free then....

"This learning to live killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks

Debbie told me about the plans for me to have a party so I guess I'm having one! lol. I think it will be fun. I was going to send out an evite but I don't know if I will or not. But anyone that is reading this post is more than welcome to come over. I'll post on this board later in case no one reads this far down.
So, come one, come all. It will be fun, I'm sure!