Thanks Susanne for the party!!!
Thank you so much Susanne for hosting such a good party. It is always so good to be around all of you.
Julie, Trent will never be the same after going to the bedroom with you, me and Rose.
and you dropping your pants.
Eddie, that was the bestest drink ever.
Tanya, Thanks for the *******!!!!!!
Jen, thanks for the present.
You know....
To everyone else....MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Thank you Susann it was so super nice and sweet of you to be the hostest of the party. I would offer my house for more things but it's such a pain in the ass to get everyone on base.
You're quite welcome there Deb
. Hope you enjoyed those *******s as much as I did. LOL
When I asked Trent if he wanted a ******* his reply was "YES"!! I bet he was highly upset that he didn't actually get a "BJ" LMAO!!! But he drank it right down with no complaints so it's all good.
It was really nice seeing everyone. We need more reasons to get together more often and P-A-R-T-Y.
Ok I'm off here to get these kids settled down and ready for bed. I'm feeling pretty crummy about now. I think I ate too much of that cheesecake spread and shrimp. I feel like

Thank you Susann it was so sweet of you to have a christmas party and I loved the Chinese gift exchange.
Justin & I had a Blast and look forward to many more get togethers with you all.
Deb- I loved your Chili I wasn't fast enough, I went to get more and it was gone..
Tanya- You know I love your *******s
It was really nice seeing everyone.

Life is too short for drama & petty things, Break the rules! so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, Love truly, forgive quickly and never regret anything that made you smile.
Thank you Susann!
You were a gracious hostess, obviously filled with the Christmas spirits. I had a wonderful time, and I'm looking forward to doing it again. Deb, Hot Red Dress and boots. Tanya, the ******* was nice, I had to go back for a second. Julie, can I get a rain check on the peep show? I came home with a slip of paper in my pocket with a lady's name on it but no phone number. Whoever put it there can contact me directly. Dolly, I loved the crab cakes. Whoever brought the coconut macarones, you are cruel. They tasted so good but I dumped. All in all, it was a great time.
Eddie I'm so sorry ( I'm the cruel one I was trying to get stuff for the kids I thought there would be a bunch ( I'm sorry

Life is too short for drama & petty things, Break the rules! so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, Love truly, forgive quickly and never regret anything that made you smile.
Thank you so much, I had a blast!!!!!
Sundi your egg rolls were amazing!!!
Julie, your not only my roomie but my wine buddie too
Deb i want your boots!!!! Trent better watch out your a hottie!!
It was great to see everyone especially Tiffany and Sundi, you both look great
I wish Becky,Susan and Sharon could have been there .
Eddie, you look great, I'm so lucky!!!
All those lurkers out there,
it's amazing to be part of a support system like this, don't be shy
come along and feel the support that I felt yesterday...Y'all Rock
(susann, did I leave my camera there?)

Thanks Susann for a wonderful party and to everyone else. It was so nice to be able to hang out with everyone! We do miss you Susan!
Mary I will get you that pic to you as soon as I can get it on the computer.
Deb tell Trent, that is all he gets. And lets clearify for those who were not there, I only showed the scar, plus Trent is one of the girls anyway!
So it was like showing my sister!
Tanya, Thanks for the shots. Next time I will bring the stuff.

I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!