Where am I??
I know that we have discussed this before on here but has anyone else had major changes in themselves since surgery? In relationships? 2007 has been such an exciting year for weight loss but it has been overshadowed by relationship problems. My husband says now that he wishes I had never had the surgery because the sweet, caring Rachel is gone. He says I'm not the same woman he married. I know I have more confidence but I still feel the same. My husband and I have deeper issues than just my personality changes although he likes to blame it on that totally. I like going out with my friends and I admit I have gotten a little obsessive about it by going out several times a week. I do have a husband at home that I need to think about. I am always home by 8 but it is highly unlike me to be going out this many times and leaving him to fend for himself. I always cooked supper every night and so on.
My mom says I have changed and that I seem to being "going wild." It really scares me. My friends say that I'm a stronger person and that I am more confident. Mom and hubby see that as rebellion and me trying to live out my college years again. I think for years I lived a lie. I did and said what made my husband happy because I honestly felt as though I couldn't get another man in this world because of my weight. When my husband did what he did and crushed me, I began to see that I could have a life beyond him. He doesn't like this. Oh my life is so messed up right now. I'm really depressed and cant seem to get out of bed in the morning. Nothing is like it used to be and I am in the worse mood for the holidays. I dread Christmas. It used to be my favorite time of the year. Just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this kind of reaction
-Garth Brooks

Just PMed you...
Hang in there, I have been there and done that.
Get out of bed and start living the life you have earned, just becareful about the addiction switching. Have included more in the message.
If you need to talk, email me!
Here to help
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
I know what you mean. It could be in part that those around you don't like you feeling better about yourself because they don't have that control over you like they used to. I have lost 120 pounds since surgery in May and I am starting to feel like a kid again. Is it mid life crisis? I don't think so. (I'm turning 49 on the 31st of this month) I am wanting to do all those things in life that I have been unable to do because of my weight. Maybe WLS patients have a tendency to go overboard because of our newfound self-esteem. Like I said in a post about 1 1/2 months ago I am worried that when I start going out with my new friends, doing the fun stuff that I can't do with my husband because he is still very overweight that we will begin having problems. On a lighter note he has finally decided to do something about it (it helped the Dr. got on to him today about his sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides being high) so maybe we will never reach that point.

If you have a time limit, youve got a problem. you and I pm'ed about some "marriage" issues that we shared in common so... let me just say... You might seem to be "going wild" to the people in your life that like to control you....of course I dont want to see you on any "video" while your vacationing in mexico or anything like that, but its surely ok to enjoy life.
Since I have not had WLS I dont know about this "freedom" Jenn talks about, but I do know what its like to be confused about who you are. WLS doesnt help find that peace...in fact I think it highlights the fact that you never found that peace before... which can be SOOOO confusing. You have to love you. Then you can love someone else. And for GOD sakes love someone that can love you back. (isnt that on someones signature... I think Bruce Willis said it) ;0) You deserve to be happy. To learn about the new you. To explore life in ways that werent possible before. Who in the world wants their life to EVERYDAY be about cooking supper and washing dishes?!?!?!?!? If your man doesnt wanna go out, leave his sorry butt at da house and go get your groove back....JAMAICA IS CALLING.... lol
Jimmy Buffett