just checking in
hi ya'll i just wanted to post a quick message to say hi and tell you all that im doing great. i have lost 44 lbs in less than two months...well 2 days shy of two months..i might make my goal to lose 100 lbs before my husband comes home from iraq after all.....APRIL! only thing is protein i have got to find a way to get in protein..i know my weight loss will speed up if i do. i just cant seem to stomach all the supplements...anyhow.other than that im good to go...just wanted to pop in.. Lots a hugs ya'll Becca
if it was not for atkins advantage in a can already mixed up I would not get mine in i drink a can & mix it with a scoop of Gnc protein podwer & a squirt sugar free choc syrup every am & when it is all mixed up it will have 40 grams in it so that is a good start & then what ever i eat will be good also ,you just need to find on drink u love & you will be fine it takes time
Hi Becca. Glad you are doing so well. You are going to just have to try different proteins until you find one you can stomach. Everyone has different tastes in the protein area. There are some good protein bars out there that if you can't do the shakes taste pretty good.
Good Luck...I kow you can loose the 100 by April!
Good job Rebecca. Your doing AWESOME! 44 lbs in 2 months is great so only 56 more lbs and you'll have your 100 lbs gone forever.
As for the protein drinks I can't stomach any of them but I do like some of the protein bars. I just can't stand the after taste the protein liquids leave in your mouth.
Good luck and keep up the good work.