Thursday Rant
I just felt the need to vent this am. This is what I've got that drive me CRAZY
1. College professors in a senior level class who make us watch movies just so he doesn't let us out early.
2. Mornings with my child who would prefer to run around the house naked rather than eat breakfast or get dressed.
3. People who get my latte order wrong (I do realize that I make it ridiculously complicated, but hey, I give them a tip) 4. Friends who think they are always right, they might be, but let me think I'm right too 5. The fact that the evil carb monster has got a strong hold on me. I've got to go cold turkey!!!
And what is your rant for the day?? Mary

Hey Deb... Sorry to hear your vents. If those people that say you do not look different I have pictures, like you to prove, that you can tell!
As for the dog hair, mind some advice... There is a new system out there called the Furminator. There is a comb and shampoo. The comb is expensive but you will be amazed how much hair you get off your dogs, especially the lab. You may not see much of a difference with your husky. Usually a rake comb works better on those double coated breeds. I have started to use it on my dogs and clients dogs that have a shedding problem and it seems to work on the shorter hair breeds. If you would like I can let you borrow some of the shampoo. I need to get some more any way. Let me know.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
I may just give you what is left in my bottle and get a new one for me.
Yea my girls, especially my lab mix, shed like there is no tomorrow. Plus that is what you get for having an artic breed in the south LOL
I will put it in my car, just in case I see you before the Christmas party.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Hi Mary and Deb!
I feel so blessed for the most part (thank goodness to Susan!!!) :)
Mostly what I want to Rant about is being Misunderstood by people..... and I guess it is mainly my own fault for not being able to communicate as well as I thought I could!
I have good intentions...but they get misconstrued.
I hate the evil carb monster too, Mary! But I am not willing to give up certain carbs..... lol
Also...... how I get so attached to people/places/things that I know I will have just for a short time.
Time.....waits for no one. lol Hugs, Jill

Since I only get to post once a day now, I have to post my Thursday rant on Friday.
1. I HATE having a cold! and I hate going to work with a bad cold...but I am off to work anyway.
2. The carb monster is my enemy too. I am gonna pull myself by the boot straps and do the 5 day pouch test starting next Monday. Anyone want to join me?????
3. Ex's can be real jerks....especially when it comes to money.....but getting past the divorce is well worth it!
I could go on.....but better get ready for work!